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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

TAG bites - March 2018 - Dead Things in the Walls

This March, let's discover how to do horror without a GM handling the scares.

Three players only.

"Something inside the walls was breathing. Calling for me in the night. I couldn't sleep or wake. I was trapped somewhere between consciousness and death. I knew whatever was calling for me wanted one over the other." 

Dead Things in the Walls is a roleplaying game about modern horror and the price we pay for greed. Based on films like Dark Water, The Fog, The Grudge, Hellraiser, and Ringu, this game explores the lives of people trapped in a vicious cycle of terror. Players take on the roles of characters replaying the horrible events that once took place in an aged, and obviously haunted, house. And while they can leave and go on with their lives anytime they wish, the cycle cannot end until the dead things in the walls are fed.

Protocol is a series of story roleplaying games that thrust characters together into dramatic situations. Each game uses the same set of rules, with vastly different parameters, start points, characters, and finales. Players take on the roles of directors outside the action and characters inside the action, using the ebb and flow of four different scene-framing styles (vignettes, interrogations, interludes, and ensembles) to tell meaningful stories about characters in crisis.

Each game in the Protocol series is zero-prep. The game length is exponentially long, so games with more players take more time to complete. The Protocol Series requires a deck of poker cards as well as tokens to track drama points.

TAG bites this March 2018 will be running a session of Dead Things in the Walls.
There will be seats for 3 players. Mature players only recommended.  Best for players interested in trying a horror game which is different from anything else they have played before.

Purchase the game here.

Shaping the Indie Gaming Scene : A Thank You

TAG Sessions sends its appreciation for being mentioned in an article on how the Philippines has a steadily growing and evolving indie game development scene. It is not often that the Philippine mainstream media and online journalists give tabletop role-playing games as much love as they do the mobile game development industry, so this article was a true breath of fresh air.

Article quote:
"Right now, the Philippines has a lot of anticipated indie games in production, such as Shots Fired by Chryse, Garrison Archangel by Indigo Entertainment, and Tabletop RPGs being developed by Tobie Abad. The indie board game scene is also getting a foothold locally."

It really is nice to have such visibility, especially with the local tabletop role-playing community growing larger once more.  Seeing the increase in gamers is one thing.  Hopefully, with more people taking the creative leap of faith in releasing their own games, more gamers will be inspired to also take a stab at creating games to offer the world RPG market.

Article excerpt:
"How many indie game developers are in the Philippines right now? Please mention some of the most popular Indie game studios in the Philippines and their creation.
There are some of the most popular indie game studio and their creation now, such as:
  1. A Single Moment by Tobie Abad
  2. Academia: School Simulator by Squeaky Wheel Studios
  3. Dream Defense by Altitude Games
  4. Flippy Bottle Extreme by Most Played Games
  5. Garrison Archangel by Indigo Entertainment
  6. Mayari by Ingenuity Games
  7. Nightfall: Escape by Zeenoh Games
  8. Pets Race by Kooapps
  9. Project Xandata by Secret 6
  10. Shots Fired by Chryse
  11. The Letter by Yang Yang Mobile"
Our country is such a rich nation when it comes to creativity and cultural touchstones, I wonder if we will someday reach the point where international gamers begin to clamour for more games that will allow them to explore our mythos.

Thank you so much, Gwen Foster, Gabby Dizon, and to Febrianto Nur Anwari of Game Prime for giving local game development (both analog and digital) more coverage!  It is truly appreciated!

Read the full article here:

Sunday, February 18, 2018

TAG Sessions at CONclave 2018!

Last February 17-18, 2018, the Greasy Snitches, with the help of the D&D Adventure's League, iAcademy, IGDA, buku buku cafe, onboard, and tabletaft, held a Dungeons and Dragons event entitled, CONclave 2018 at the iAcademy Auditorium at Makati City.

TAG Sessions was invited to take part in the event and give two talks in the event to help both new and current role-playing gamers in mastering their craft. Given how we have always been open to sharing knowledge and helping others broaden their horizons in seeing tabletop role-playing games as more than just games, we were definitely excited to help out.

Livestream recordings of the talks can be found here:

Warm up and Tobie being all nervous

Sharing Narrative Control

How to be a Better Player (and GM) at least according to Tobie

Photos here:

Thank you so much for inviting us to be at CONclave 2018