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Sunday, November 29, 2020

MODELS targeting a 2020 release.... hopefully...

 2020 continues to be a huge challenge in staying creative and productive. The ideas are there, but the words aren't just flowing. The last few months have quite a constant struggle, but I am happy to share that the book is still alive and I've clocked in around 27k words so far. Hopefully, if all goes well, the book will be ready for release this December.

I sincerely want to thank Rocky, my partner, for constantly being supportive and encouraging.

I also want to thank my TAG TEAM SUPPORTERS: Rocky, Tania A, and Hello, Mirai who have been an empowering source of support as well.  Currently their funds are helping finance for artwork for Dreamscrapers adn the possible sequel to Cat's Dream.  MODELS will wholly use either my own artwork or open source images available online.

Here are a few pages for your viewing:

I won't be able to launch the game via Kickstarter or anything, but I still hope people like it once it comes out.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Might fail my 12 new Challenge this year.

12 New Games this 2020

1) Praxis: Black Sun - Sunrise End

2) Protocol: Dinner Guests
3) Protocol: Chebyshev Function
4) Maze Rats
5) Dreams of the Aquarium
6) Trinity Continuum
7) Eldritch High
8) Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Adventure Game
9) Takipsilim playtest

As it stands, I still need three new game systems to hit my 12 New Game Systems target each year.  As it stands, 2020 might be a year where I will fail to do so. It sucks, but I guess given everything else that has been happening this year, its an acceptable loss.  Despite the pandemic, the typhoons, the terrible government response, and the many other personal tragedies, I think we can try to focus on the small victories that exist and draw strength from those.

Who knows?  Maybe I'll be lucky and in the coming weeks, three more one-shot sessions get to happen before the year ends. There's an upcoming Night's Black Agents session which I will be able to count (even if on 2016, we played Mutant City Blues which is similar in system).  If things go well, maybe I can find a way to squeeze in a quick playtest of Models / Diliman.  Or maybe even a stab at playing something like Monsterhearts 2, Curse of the Yellow Sign, The Expanse, or maybe even something like Dune or a solo game like Ironsworn.  

Will just keep you all posted.
Thanks for reading.

Saturday, November 14, 2020


I don't think I'll be able to attend INDIE FIESTA tomorrow, but I was quite happy to have had the chance to connect with a number of other people - both attendees and game designers - and talk about their games or mine.  

As of mine, I was able to show them sneak peeks of two games:

Where players are supermodel super spies working to undo the hold of The Foundation on the world. Only their strong bonds, tradecraft, and specialties will help them survive the many risky actions awaiting them.  Target release date: December 2020.


Salamangkeros seek to forge a new secret order in a darkened world where the Cannibal Kings and other threats have insinuated themselves into the institutions that control the country.  But will they succeed when they can barely work together?  Target release date: April 2020

The whole event was using this platform called which allowed people to virtually congregate, move around, and connect with those around them. It was quite an experience.  

I'm very excited to get these games out. The last few months have once more been quite a challenge in finding inspiration and focus. But I am simply thankful I am surrounded by people who continue to be supportive and empowering.  Thank you for having me, Indie Fiesta!



Got to try the upcoming game, TAKIPSILIM: The Untold Stories, which does a heroic take on the dark supernatural urban concept. The internet wasn't cooperating that much, unfortunately, so it was a very quick taste of the system but the lore we were able to peek at is quite promising and exciting. I can't wait to see it's eventual release!

 The game is by Project Tadhana's Nathan Briones with the incredibly creative Thomas Regala. The game was one of the many featured games in this year's Indie Fiesta.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020

TAG Sessions at Indie Fiesta: Nov 11

TAG Sessions will be participating in this year's INDIE FIESTA!  The whole event runs from November 9 to 15, at 4pm to 7pm each day.  TAG Sessions, however, will only be able to showcase games on two days, November 11 and November 12.  So do drop by if you would like to learn about my games.

Set in a fictional version of our own modern world, players portray these M.O.D.E.L.S. who use their specialized skills, universal passports, and fashionable super science technology to protect the world from itself.

Based on the online comic first released in 2003, DILIMAN is a tabletop role-playing game where players are Salamangkeros on a secret war against the Cannibal Kings and their dark agents in a bid to establish a new secret order. But will they be able to despite their personal agendas and deep seated scars?

Come by and learn more about the games on Nov 11 and Nov 12. Have a happy Indie Fiesta!
For today (which is Day 3), the link is:

TAG TEAM Supporters on Patreon have already gotten their hands on the preliminary doc, which already is mostly playable. If you're interested in playtesting any of the games, do let me know as playtesting options are still available.

Monday, November 9, 2020

2020 INDIE FIESTA has begun!

From the Indie Fiesta Facebook page:

It's Indie Fiesta tiiiiiiime! We'll be holding the event at online from Nov 9-15, 4-7pm GMT+8. Doors will open at exactly 4pm, and we'll post the link then! Tune in to the Indie Fiesta Twitter account @indiefiestaph and #IndieFiesta2020 for more info and real time updates! Hope to see you there!
Even more awesome is the poster created by the 9 Lives team!

From the 9 Lives Facebook:
Drop by on these dates to find these awesome Tabletop Games:
GERA operation: jungle storm: Nov 11
Takipsilim: The Untold Stories (by Project Tadhana and TEGR): Nov 11 and 12
Happy Ending Game: Nov 11 and 12
Friends or Fiends: Nov 11 and 12
XII: Nov 14 and 15
MODELS by TAG Sessions: Nov 11 and 12
NoSaDa by Gamescolar: Nov 15
9 Lives: Nov 11, 12, and 15

The event runs from Nov 9-15, 4-7pm.
Don't miss it!

#IndieFiesta #IndieFiesta2020 #9Lives #9Livesgame #TEGR #ProjectTadhana #HappyEnding #GERA #Takipsilim #NoSaDa #Gamescolar #MODELS #TAGSessions #FriendsOrFiends #TCGWarsLCG #XII

Attended day one so far and that was pretty fun!  I can't wait to meet more people and try more games!

On day one, I got to check out Josh's  ONE2FIVE, a math-based abstract game that's quite fun and fiendishly challenging, the LaroTayo! project which showcased a number of games inspired by Philippine street games, the project Idyll which featured a typing game mechanism to tell quite a deep and emotional story, and The Nam: Vietnam Combat Operations, which explored the Vietnam war with a strategy game approach and was quite a labor of love.

It was also lovely reconnecting with so many old friends. So many good memories.  Here's to the next few days of Indie Fiesta!

Come join the fun through this link:
Note that it may be closed if you try to visit outside of the Nov 9-15, 4pm to 7pm time range.