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Monday, October 17, 2022

The Man At The Foot Of The Bed : Book 2 of the Lying City Mysteries now available

The Man At The Foot Of The Bed
Book 2 of the Lying City Mysteries
for Tiny Cthulhu

One of the Investigators learns of a strange thing unfolding in their apartment building – people have started to report of sleepless nights and terrifying moments of seeing a stranger standing at the foot of their bed. Somehow, this event seems to be affecting only people in their building. And worse, slowly they begin to see the man too. When the deaths start, the Investigators must act fast to uncover the secret of this quiet observer, to save not just the unfortunate residents of the building but also themselves.

The Man at the Foot of the Bed is suitable for three to five Investigators. This adventure is broken down to different scenes. But it is up to you how the story unfolds. This is the second of the Lying City Mysteries, a series of mysterious events which have been written up for Tiny Cthulhu, set in the modern day.

Grab the book today:

Monday, October 10, 2022

The Sleep Experiment : Book 1 of the Lying City Mysteries now available

The Sleep Experiment
Book 1 of the Lying City Mysteries
for Tiny Cthulhu

When the Investigators learn that one of their friends is currently participating in a university sleep study, the group soon realizes that there is more to the experiment that initially believed. Somehow, the participants have gotten trapped in a shared dream, and something stalks their psyches. Can the Investigators find a way to save their friend and the other participants before it is too late?

The Sleep Experiment is suitable for three to five Investigators. This is the first of the Lying City Mysteries, a series of mysterious events which have been written up for Tiny Cthulhu.

Grab the book today:

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Miskatonic Repository - Halloween 2022 Collection is live!

This year's Miskatonic Repository Halloween Collection is available!

This year's collection contains 13 titles by various authors and, till Halloween, is on a -60% sale: $19.99 instead of $50.92! You can find the 2022 Halloween Collection in this link:

Grab it today! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

A session of Praxis: Of the Flesh with Denmotherplays!

Was very happy to have been invited to help Denma and friends play jim pinto's PRAXIS: OF THE FLESH, which is an incredible game system with a very different approach to tabletop roleplaying games. Thank you for having me!

Watch the entire episode here:

Stay updated with Denma, here:

And learn more about Praxis: Of the Flesh here:

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Arj's Game Room plays Cat's Dream

 Was tremendously touched that awesome GM Arj decided to try playing my little game, Cat's Dream. 

The game was one of the few games that found an audience and I honestly wish it was able to get the recognition it deserves. But alas, life has other plans, it seems.  Anyway, here's his take on the game and I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I did!

Despite it being your first game, Arj, watching you go through the rules has actually opened my eyes to some adjustments I should consider in future books.  I loved how you approached the game and I was happy you chose Rupert for your character name.  Thank you so much for playing!

Catch more of Arj's game sessions at

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Busilak on the map!

 Miskatonic Playhouse was awesome today and has released Scenario Map tags for practically all the Miskatonic Repository locations.

Currently, my Philippine myth inspired one, Busilak is listed as one of the two Philippine set mysteries. Davao has the second one, by the fantastic @Denmotherplays who wrote The Durian Hotel.

Here's hoping for more to be featured here.

Saturday, July 23, 2022


 The Black Monk

Had a fantastic game session with Den Mother Plays, Titus, and Lanz.
We had a tale of friendship, of deception, of transformative fire, and of hunger.  Such a wonderful experience and was so happy to have this chance to introduce the game system to more people.  The Praxis system is such a well-done engine that empowers people to tell stories.  Few rpgs are as story-focused and narrative-empowering as this.
Watch the Stream here!

Grab the game today!

Thursday, July 21, 2022


 Shared a tale of horror and mystery with some friends as we played, ALAS FOR THE AWFUL SEA.
For our game, we opted to draw inspiration from movies like, The Lighthouse, and games like The Sunless Sea.  

Thank you to Titus who opted to livestream our session.  Thank you as well to Lanz and Aina for playing the game with us.
You can watch our session here:

And grab a copy of the game here:
Alas for the Awful Sea

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Ran Blood & Honor for a livestream!


Thank you so much for inviting me to run a game for you all.
Had a LOT of fun getting you to try BLOOD & HONOR
Thank you so much for having me, ARJ's GAME ROOM.

For those curious about the game system, check it out:

Thursday, June 2, 2022


Once we lived in cities.  Once we lived in a world where people resided in villages. In subdivisions. In condominiums. The old folk tell stories of how cities were bright and loud places that were visible even from the stars. How great concrete roads stitched the world together and allowed people to travel vast distances without ever fearing the Ferrex.

Prior to the Gathering, the People were not united.  The world was broken up into nations. And while the Ferrex had shattered most of the world apart, there are still fragments that remain out there.  These are some of the places which the Voce Luminare protected. 

Discover how these locations are unique. Each location is described in two ways: As It Was and As It Is.  Each one provides possible plot threads, and story hooks with you can use in your games. This is the first of numerous supplements planned to futher fleshout the Legacy: War of the Widows microsetting.

Book One: The Lands of Voce Luminare is a  supplement for Legacy: The War of the Widows microsetting.  Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition.

This book requires Tiny Dungeon 2e.

Grab the book today:

Coming Soon: Faith Heal Her - Book 1 - Bow Your Heads

Book one of the Faith Heal Her story should be available online very soon.

Bow Your Heads
A sinister thing is using religious fervor to lure prey into its web of lies. Only a young woman and her ghostly companion, her deceased aunt, are aware of the predator in their city.

The search for the Guest continues. The world grows darker. When facing threats that can accomplish the impossible, how long would it take before one considers finding others to join their cause?

Intended For Mature Readers
Content Warning: Sudden Death, Religion, Possession, Children, Parental Death

Available soon on Drivethrurpg.

Check out the Pay What You Want
Faith Heal Her : Prologue

Currently at

Monday, May 23, 2022

50 Mortal Musings


Mortals don't realize how much fun they are having. Or how much more meaning ordinary things can be when looked at through the lens of immortality. Whether it is to relive the mortal moments, or deal with mortal matters, see which ones work best for your group.

Check it out here:

Monday, April 25, 2022

Phaedra Keeps an Eye is out: Round6

Had a tremendously generous and in-depth review of ROUND6.  Was very grateful to see all the detail in the review and the constructive feedback that was shared to help me make the book (and even future books better).   

Check it out now!

Thank you, Phaedra!

Friday, March 4, 2022

GM Appreciation Day

 For GM Appreciation Day, my partner and I decided to make an episode on GMing.

You can find it here:

Happy GM Appreciation day!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Released: 50 Epic Schemes

 Because in Exalted, the enemies always have huge plans.
Check it out today: