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Friday, March 1, 2013

New Look!

Yes, you guys probably noticed I finally ditched the DYNAMIC THEMES after receiving a lot more feedback how it messed up viewing the site via mobile devices and the like.  Worse still, many people could not send in their comments, which was sad cause comments can add to further discussions even for people who discover this site years down the line.

But there, hope the simple layout isn't an eyesore.  I'm kinda more focused on content so I can't quite get around to thinking of coding the site to look more unique.  Maybe someday I can work on a logo or banner head or something.

Thank you again for being one of my readers.  And additional thanks for those who subscribed and reshared my articles out there.   A HUGE thank you for those who have subscribed to the blog and quite frankly, if it was possible to run a game for you all, trust me I would.

Keep the dice rolling!
And the games runnin!

Cheers to us geeks!

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