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Sunday, October 6, 2013

October Update and Gumshoe!

Just a quick update on how happy I am so far.

First, Rocky and I finally got our chance to enjoy Pelgrane Press' Night's Black Agents with three other friends last night.  Boy was that game an impressive experience.   I've yet to write up the episode summary of that game, but it was a hoot playing the Gumshoe system and I think we were able to approach the system far more correctly than my first attempt when I played the system with two other players.

Secondly, helped proofread another book which adds to the list of products which have my name in Drive Thru Rpg.  Check out, New Identities: Witness Protection Program from Vas Quas Editrice.

Thirdly, send in my work for Josh Jordan's Advanced Doll, the stretch goal expansion for his wonderful Doll story role-playing game.   I'm absolutely floored at how much support the project received, and even more exciting is how Josh himself might help me release my own projects under his line as Kickstarter projects in the future!

Fourth, the playtesting for A Single Moment has been happening and so far, there have been positive responses.  Of the actual written document, many good friends have thrown in their two cents, including the amazingly prolific Eloy Lasanta, of API and Part-Time Gods and Josh Jordan himself.  It still amazes me that I'm in touch and my name is actually recalled by luminaries such as John Wick and others.

Fifth, enjoying the beta teaser of A World of Dew, the upcoming expansion of John Wick's Blood & Honor game which brings the setting forward to a world where the Clan is not the biggest force to reckon with, the gaijin gain some share of the spotlight, and Cities now loom into view.   The very kind Ben Woerner has allowed me to gain access to the document, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be getting a peek at it.


So yeah, life is good.

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