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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Vampire 30-Day Challenge : Favorite Methuselah

Vampire 30-Day Challenge : Favorite Methuselah

Among the many interesting characters that graced the various Vampire books, the Toreador Mi-ka-il was one of the elders who caught my fancy.   The vampire saw himself as a literal archangel and held a fantastic dream for the Cainites of the city of Constantinople.    This dream was a perfect paradise where vampires would gain spiritual attainment and it was a dream he did not carry alone.  The Ventrue Antonius the Gaul and the Tzimise Dracon both supported this vast dream and each of them became parts of what was to be called The Trinity (with Mi-ka-il himself being the Father, Antonius the Son and Dracon the Holy Spirit).

This was a dream that would not come to pass.

So great was the Methuselah's Presence that to all who looked, he appeared as a living being of illuminated glowing stained-glass.  A pity he was an Archangel that would fall from grace too soon.  Besther, as Mi-ka-il was once named, would find no safely in his subterranean haven (an underground copy of the dome of Hagia Sophia) and would eventually find Final Death from the fangs of a Baali called Mary the Black.

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