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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A World of Dew

I have been so excited and happy for the success of the A World of Dew Kickstarter, that I totally forgot to blog about it!  Ben Woerner, who has been such a great friend, has the Blood & Honor spin-off fully backed and continuing to score even more stretch goals.  And frankly, I feel fantastic about how successful it has become and I am truly excited to be a part of the stretch goals too.

The game will have a companion book called The Sound of Water and I've been invited to be one of the contributors for stretch goals.  I offered Ben a bunch of ideas and he liked the fourth one the most!  So I'll be penning A World of Shadows, a supplement to add monsters and dark things to your games.

And even more insane, I'm listed with the likes of John Wick, Tony Parker, Mark Diaz Truman and more.  Who would have ever thought I'd have such an honor.

It is not too late to join the fun!
Do support the book and try this fantastic game!

The Kickstarter is at:

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