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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Missing Fandom Live!

Years back, a group of friends and I dove into creating our own little version of a web-show called Fandom Live! It practically had no budget, earned nothing, and cost us a lot of money and effort to have happen once a month. It was a labor of love, and it admittedly was fun and at times hilarious to work on.

Our very first episode was a movie shot on January 28, 2008 and was a review of JJ Abrams movie, Cloverfield.  We had no clear idea on how to do a webshow. We didn't really think of the running time of the show or of scripts or even of having lights and sound systems.  We just wanted to try something different and our friend Paolo gave us a place to do it.

Before you know it, shooting Fandom Live! (which at that time was based on became something we really got into doing.  At first our episodes were focused on reviews of movies and television shows, but later on we started creating more original content such as the Fandom Olympics episode which set various fandoms to compete in different Olympic events, the Sesame Street Heroes episode where we cast members of Sesame Street to be characters in Heroes, and We:Make episodes where we "remake" a movie or show with our own casting (or in one episode called We:Make Live Action considered what animated shows we'd love to have shot as live action movies)

Yesh, the infamous Star Trek episode.
While clearing out my drive, I rediscovered the back-ups of the past episodes which Neek allowed me to copy from years back.  Suddenly, I realized there were some episodes that never got to be uploaded.   After asking some friends for permission, I'll be working on reuploading many of the lost episodes, including the ones for Dr. Who, How to Train Your Dragon, Cloudy with a Chance for Meatballs, and a few others.

Sighs.  Sometimes I wish we could find a way to shoot these episodes again.  But real life can make some dreams harder to reach for than others.

Ustream Fandom Episodes
Youtube FandomLive! playlist
My personal Fandom Live! playlist

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