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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year! Welcome 2016

Hey folks.  Here's hoping you all had a fantastic 2015 and I do hope 2016 will be a fabulous year filled with gaming and fun.  I still have a HUGE number of game session transcriptions to catch up on as well as a lot of activity planned in the months to come.  The Gamers & GMs Philippines mini-conventions will continue to celebrate and share the love of gaming.  There will be a few personal game projects soon to be launched as well and I do hope the reception of the will be pretty positive.

Will also start on my new list of 12 New Games for the year. I started this last 2013 and thanks to this personal challenge, I've exposed myself to the creative ideas and systems of a lot of other people.  This, I feel, has given me additional insight in how to approach my own games when I design them.  This 2016, I am already excited to get started in trying a bunch of other systems, hopefully including some like Marvel Heroic Role-playing, Mythender, and maybe even something as awesome as The Farm.

Currently, I have a few ongoing campaigns.  Our teen superhero game called The Wardens (using DC Heroes) will be back with the Summer Break story arc.  I'm throwing complete trust in my players in this game, giving them complete reign on the pacing of the story for three game sessions.  Hopefully, our Bliss Stage game, wideawake, won't meet the cancellation that our Orpheus game, dollhouse, did.  The Orpheus game had to die because the group faced the one threat that kills games with the greatest ease: real life demands.  Then, there's A Red and Pleasant Land's Dreams Betwixt Walls game under GM BJ where I get to be a player.  Pretty awesome game, I must admit with the story nicely unfolding with just enough horror and wonder at the same time.   We recently wrapped up our Ryuutama game, Journey, with the heroes finally finding their way out of the horrible Black Isle where the Black Dragon rules.  It was a nicely touching moment with some tears and some laughter.  An ongoing office-game campaign using Blades in the Dark is also nicely flowing.  Thieves should start having sessions again starting next week, if not the week after.

2016, I hope you will be a kind year.  And I do hope everyone finds themselves having more fun telling stories with each other.

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