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Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Single Moment with She's A Super Geek

Today, I learned that She's a Super Geek, a wonderful actual play podcast highlighting women as GMs played my game, A Single Moment!  Senda and Emily played two samurai whose tale of Loyalty took a very unexpected turn.

The game session even has fan art and I'll see if the artist is willing to let me repost the work here.
Also extending thank yous to Chris and Phil of Misdirected Mark porcast for pointing the game out to them. A Single Moment was mention in this in the podcast episode MMP#208 It is at around the 50 minute mark as someone they refer to as the Herald suggests, "Every podcaster should play A Single Moment.".  And they're planning to play the RomCom version and I can't wait to hear them play it.   I definitely am excited at the response the game has been having.  Thank you so much!

Whoever you are, dear Herald, I thank you and owe you a beer. I'm sorry I didn't quite catch your name but I do hope to hear from you.

EDIT: Just been told that the Herald was Pallcomm of VisionaryComms
Thank you again for suggesting to all podcasters to try my humble game.

She's a Super Geek website
She's a Super Geek Patreon Page

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