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Monday, May 9, 2016

Two great things in one day! And 7th Sea update

So, today I learned that the very kind Sean Patrick Fannon of Eagle Beagle Games has agreed to feature my game, A Single Moment, as his Sean's Pick for May 9, 2016.  Sean wrote for the Champions RPG and was the continuity director for the game and has worked on many other games including videogames and now is one of the authors on the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars line.    He had very kind words to say about A Single Moment.

Thank you so much, Sean!
And thank you so much, Eloy!

The second awesome thing today is related to Itras By. I wrote a review for it some time back and I still feel it is one of the most intriguing and evocative games out there.  Not that many games challenge the player to be a better player. Anyway, so I got an email from Ole Peder GiƦver and while  I can't really say much yet but I can mention that it was nice to know that Tagsessions is slowly gaining momentum.  Here's hoping it does lead to even more insane news soon!

On and I'm still writing my 7th Sea stuff and editing what I can.  Deadlines are looming, but it is uplifting to know how positive the feedback has been on the ideas I have presented and what I've written for the game so far.  I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say the new edition of 7th Sea has truly expanded the scope of things in a wonderful way.


And I get to handle a whole frigging chapter!
Life is good.

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