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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Five New Playsets for A SINGLE MOMENT!

When I wrote A Single Moment I had a dream:  I dreamt that one day, someday, I can write something creative enough that others will get inspired by it to make more stuff.  Just as Gary Gygax' Dungeons and Dragons has given birth to legions of games, I hoped that my small creation would have its own children and grandchildren.  And it has happened!  Reflections is a new game by Third Act Publishing which embraces stuff from A Single Moment but gives it a whole new spin with more narrative and less dice-rolling!

 And now, Taylor LaBresh of Riverhouse Games has also gotten bitten by the inspiration bug and has created five new playsets you can use when playing A Single Moment!

Thanks to Taylor, you can now use A Single Moment to play:

So yeah, those who love Harry Potter, or have a desire to explore Marvel or D.C. Comics, or even have fun playing a very kooky meta game where you're a bunch of gamers who had a falling out happen... Taylor has created the playsets you need!

And even better, he's planning to release them soon with art and stuff.  So do check it out and send him a hello!

My favorite line:

“It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
My name is [name] and this is the story of how I got hurt.”

Damn, that's evocative and exciting.  And man, you play GAMERS in a game!

And to everyone else, due check it out!

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