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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Weekly Affirmations played A Single Moment

Beautiful artwork by Javier Beltran inspired by the game.
I was contacted by The Strix one 3 a.m. morning, letting me know that they were planning to play A Single Moment on for the weekly show, #WeeklyAffirmations.  This was an unexpected lovely surprise which I was more than happy to support.  

Sadly, this meant the show was at 6a.m. and I was not able to catch the show.  I'm still hoping to see it somehow someday (but I kinda freaked out to realize stuff needs a monthly paid account to view for past episodes, and sadly that's a tad past my budget).

(I do hope this WAS from the episode. I could be wrong.)

I've been told that the episode should be up on youtube soon (probably here?).  Here's hoping to catch it then.  Thank you so much, HYPER RPG and Weekly Affirmations for the love!   Special thank to Javier Beltran for the awesome artwork. And yes, lots of love back to you all!

http://Twitch.TV/hyperrpg #GameFeelz #WeeklyAffirmations #IndieRPGs #TabletopGames

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