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Monday, September 12, 2016

A Single Moment with Andy Kitkowski!

This is a Story about Respect.
Andy Kitkowski and I play A Single Moment.

One of the highlights of the month was being asked by Andy Kitkowski (Producer of Maid, Tenra Bansho Zero, and Ryuutama) if I was available to play a session of my game, A Single Moment, with him via Google Hangouts.  Thanks to the magic of the internet, we were able to play the game despite being in two different countries.

Catch the game session here, as Andy and I play through a dramatic tale of brotherhood, duty and respect.   We had to slightly change how the game is played to make it work better on an online session with two separated players (and this, admittedly, has given me new ideas to including in the upcoming A Second Moment, the A Single Moment companion book.

I will apologize this early for all the fanboying that you might catch in the video. But OMG I just played my game with Andy Kitkowski!

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