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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

A Single Moment on Alan Bahr's Top Ten of 2016

Alan Bahr's Top Ten RPGs of 2016

Woke up today to a truly pleasant surprise! Alan Bahr, the brains behind stuff such as Tiny Frontiers, lead designer for Brian McClellan's The Powder Mage RPG, and (in full disclosure) the upcoming Cold Shadows game I shall be writing for, has released his Top Ten list of RPGs of 2016.

To my surprise, A Single Moment was not only part of the list, but it actually landed on a beautiful spot which I never thought would ever happen in my entire life: it was tied with Ryuutama on the Rank #1 spot.  OMG, that game is an ENnie Award winner!  And here's my little game sitting beside it.

I seriously could not breathe for a few seconds.  Ryuutama remains one of the most endearing and lovely games I've ever had a chance to run for others.  The game is just wonderfully designed with nice callbacks to old traditional Japanese computer role-playing games we love, and so to find my tiny little indie game sitting alongside it on the number one spot was just a miraculous delight to see. Andy Kitkowski knows how much I fanboy over that game.

Thank you, Alan.

To know you have found my game to be as enjoyable and entertaining and deep as other games you love is the source of my happiness today.  Thank you for sharing your appreciation of my work and for letting others know how much you liked my game. It means a lot.  And yes, I hope to release its sequel book soon.  

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