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Thursday, April 13, 2017

7th Sea meets Hamilton's King George

My gaming group has been having an awesome duo-campaign of 7th Sea for the last few months, and one of the recent events was the rekindling of a war between Avalon and Montaigne.  In relation to this, we really got into Hamilton as of the late and we all found ourselves loving the King George songs to the point of singing them often out of nowhere.

Then I realized since I usually use actors/images to represent my non-playing characters in the game, I decided to make the King of Montaigne match that likeness just for the fun of it.  I know, accuracy aside, I loved the idea that the players now had a visual to connect to him.

Today, I opted to go an extra step.  My partner Rocky's player character, a Porte Sorcier named Maurice le Blanc, prides himself in being the "only" L'ami Du Roi in the world (which clearly isn't so) but we love how he plays that illusion of himself to the hilt.  With the recent war unfolding, Maurice was with another friend's player character, Lady Cassandra, at Avalon attempting to help her best this Sidhe trickster that has challenged her to be wed before the day ends.  But with our next session happening with Rocky sadly out of the country for a business trip, I had to make adjustments for him to make an exit.  Thankfully, Porte makes it so easy.  And so while chatting on how we're to handle that shift, inspiration struck and suddenly I wrote this in one sitting.  Be sure to let me know if you sung along.

So Maurice le Blanc is currently with Lady Cassandra at Avalon but then...

A message from the king!
A message from the king!

You say.. the price of this war is a price Avalon's unwilling to pay.

Insane.. we ended our war and attacked instead Castille (that not-Spain).
I'm so mad. I thought we had an arrangement but you went away.

And you're making me mad. And so despite our engagement... I'm still glad...

You will burn. You will see.

Montaigne will always be who you'll envy.
You will burn. Time will tell.
You will see how Porte serves us well.

Oceans rise, empires fall.. and Montaigne has been your friend through it all..
But then push, has come to shove...
So I'm sending a full armed armada through Porte to show my love...

Da da dada't da.... da't da da da daaa dada...
Da da da't da.. da da...

Da da dada't da.... da't da da da daaa dada...
Da da da't da.. da da...

You say our love is straining, and you can't go on...
Your Queen shall start complaining once I am gone...
And no, don't change the subject. Cause you're my royal subject...
My sweet submissive subject.. My loyal royal subject...
For ever... and ever.. and ever and ever and ever....

You'll be back. Time will show.
You should have bowed to us from long ago.

You'll be back, and I'll laugh.
I'll shatter your Grail and snap your staff.
Oceans rise. Empires fall. And you'll see no matter what Glamour you call..

Now that push has come to shove, I shall Porte my armies into your land.. Theus yes this will be fun...

Da da dada't da.... da't da da da daaa dada...
Da da da't da.. da da...

You will all burn.

*messenger exits*

So yeah, Maurice realizes he has to go back and convince the King/l'empereur to stop his plans.
But yeah, that was a fun quick song hahaha!

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