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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Millennials ep01 : DC Heroes



Rocky and Urim and I always felt that the characters and concepts we explored in the previous DC Heroes game, Wardens, were wasted when that game fell apart due to... reasons.  While I promised myself to stop torturing myself with the events of that point in my life (something I finally will exorcise from my system in my upcoming book on my gaming experiences), we realized we wanted to somehow reapproach those game concepts with a better and more positive experience. We decided to give the idea of a young super heroes game another shot and invited Flip, a fellow gamer and soon-to-be more active GM, to take part in its revival.  So we came up with Millennials, our more positive and more fun young heroes campaign. While the opportunity to explore the game using a new game system was there, we decided we wanted to celebrate the fun of the DC Heroes game system once more.

So here we have Millennials.

Rocky plays a young mystical hero who has received the mantle of the First Knight from the Lady of the Lake.  Able to summon the Sword of Valor, the Helm of Truth, The Shield of Honor, The Breastplate of Courage, and Sabatons of Loyalty, Diego Franco is El Teniente, a local hero of Traverse City.

Urim plays Shin Takenoko who uses his Super Speed and Shape Shifting powers as the eager and ambitious super hero, Buzz.  None yet are aware of his secret, that he's actually an synthetic human who lives with Ren Takenoko who claims to be his brother.  But is he really Shin's inventor or just someone who wants him to have an opportunity to live a human life.

Flip plays a former thief and hoarder named Guy Garlond who hides in a pocket universe called The White Room which he can access through his ability to turn into a living Warp hole. He has the ability to Cling to walls, transfer his senses to objects and read the histories hidden in old things. He originally called himself Warp Path, but the media has mistakenly named him Warpath instead.

The story opens with images of a man named Ray Princeton who seems to be struggling in maintaining his kiddie entertainment hub, Le Chateau d' Univers, amidst the complaining parents and horribly destructive children. A box arrives addressed to him which opens the moment he touches its surface, revealing something inside that glows with power. When he tries to ask the delivery man who sent the package, the delivery man looks at him blankly with no recollection of having delivered the box.

In outer space, a group of astronauts stare in horror as an incoming asteroid is headed on a collision course for the international space station, Icarus!  But lo and behold, Savior appears in the nick of time intercept it.  As they watch in shock, a voice tells them it is time to head to safety.  They turn to find Diva smiling by the doorway, with her arms extended towards them.  They immediately feel a warm of calm wrap around them.  The image of the astronauts smiling suddenly freezes into the headline image as the news outlets  report the dramatic rescue.

The three teens realize they are late for school and end up being told to stand before the class as their history teacher, Professor Arbuckle scolds them. He says the three are the kind of people who probably won't make any difference in the world. "What history teaches us is how people spend their time can shape their future in times to come. These three will probably grow up to be thieves, criminals and lazy bums."  He questions Guy what he thinks his parents will think he will become when he grows up.  He wonders when Shin will start acting like everyone else. And finally Diego, he addresses as a promising student who probably spends his time at home doing nothing helpful at all.  Principal Skinner arrives to inform them of a new student who will be joining their class.   The group meets Selena Stone, a fan of a blog called The Truth Exists.  Selena thinks the current heroes might be training a new group of young heroes.  A dashing knight, a shape changer who looks like a computer generated effect, and a girl who appears out of nowhere.  Guy wonders if his hairstyle is being mistaken as that of a woman's.

The students head out for a field trip to the Art and Science Museum. Forced to sit at the front, Diego and Selena talk about super heroes in the city and how The Truth Exists is trying to uncover more information on the young superheroes that have been sighted in Traverse City. Diego raises the concern that the blog might be invading the heroes' privacy. Selena however feels the blog is at least helping them gain some popularity.  She even shares the new report about how Warpath might actually be a man and not a woman, or a woman "transgressing" into a man, based on the recent photos that were digitally enhanced.  Diego thinks the blog is getting very personal, and learns the blog is being maintained by someone called FanGirl. Selena wonders if Guy is actually FanGirl since he seemed adamant that Warpath is actually a guy and not a girl.  And this article just appeared. Selena wonders now if Guy is both Warpath and FanGirl.  Diego shakes his head.   Guy and Shin talk about how Shin bowed when he was introduced to Selena, which was kind of odd. Shin was pulled out of school a year ago when Ren discovered his deadly vulnerability to water. Thankfully, they came up with an excuse about him having allergies.  Arbuckle laments on losing Shin last year and realizes he never met Guy's parents. He asks Guy to have his parents meet him next week. Guy claims they are in another country, and when he lies and claims they are in Africa, Arbuckle asks what region as he flew to that continent last year. Selena admits to Diego she's from Canada and has no knowledge of her heritage. She wonders if she and Diego were from the same "island."  Diego feels sad to know she has no idea of her country or history, and is shocked when she admits she thought all Hispanic people are from the same place.  He thinks she should spend more time online learning of her heritage.

Along the way, however, the bus is delayed and news reaches them of a bank robbery happening further head.  Guy and Diego slips out of the bus during the commotion as all the other students try to disembark in hopes of seeing the event more.  Professor Arbuckle tries to herd all the kids to the nearest cafe to take shelter, and when he looks up to ask Shin to help he does not realize Shin has split into two people so he can still head to the bank to help out. None of them realize Selena too has slipped away.

At the bank, a group of men in suits and comic superhero masks have taken control of the place. Buzz, now in full costume, blurs to the front of the bank to see "Spiderman" and "Captain America" trying to get the escape vehicle started.  Buzz smashes into them, transforming into a forklift in an attempt to toss the car over. El Teniente, having transformed after running into an alleyway to plant his hand into the closest puddle, charges at Captain America with his shield to try to stun him.  Spiderman mutters something about "sticking to the plan" and using the "test device" they were given.   But when they destroy the test device, it blinks out of existence almost like how pixels would flicker away in a computer game!  Neither of them know Warpath has warped into the bank from the White Room.  Inside, he tries calling out for the crooks, mentally thinking of what "El Teniente" would do. But when he draws one of the crooks out, the guy shoots him near the stomach and brings him down.

El Teniente uses his sword to blind the crooks, stunning them long enough for Buzz to gain the upper hand. He tells Buzz to take care of them while he runs into the bank, despite the incoming police sirens.  As he runs inside, he uses the Sword of Valor to blind all those within once more, he rushes forward to disarm the gun man.  But when Buzz follows inside, they find Warpath bleeding on the group and hear the roar of motorcycle engines outside as  someone escapes from the bank.  El Teniente and Buzz rush to take chase, leaving Warpath to get aid from the paramedics who just arrived.  Buzz transforms into a motorcycle to take chase and thankfully sees his double (the one with the Professor and other students) along the way. The two recombined to use their full abilities and continue the chase.  El Teniente relizes the two are headed to the underground roadway and hurries to cut them off by leaping from rooftop to a rooftops. When the two successfully knock the goons down (with El Teniente landing on one from above with his shield, and Buzz transforming himself into a lance to knock the other guy down), they return to the bank to see the paramedics treating Warpath. They stop him from unveiling his mask. Diego watches in horror as his mother, Cozaron, comes in.  She works with the emergency services and she recognizes El Teniente as one of their heroes. She rushes to him, asking for a selfie to inspire her children to avoid a life of crime. She admits to Warpath that she finds El Teniente so dreamy and wishes she could have his kids.  Warpath, delirious from the pain, is just happy El Teniente saved his life.

Back at the cafe, the Professor sees Shin and Diego return, and is thankful they're all complete now since the roll call was complete.  Shin, however, notices Guy is missing and wonders if the Professor confused the count off to miss one since he failed to note Selena adding to the group.  The Professor herds them back into the buss and sighs about having to go home to his wife who just divorced him.   Shin sees Diego and Selena talking and she asks Diego about where he had snuck away.  Diego claims he had a side job to handle. Selena shows her digital camera with an awesome zoom lens and shows of her photos of El Teniente and Buzz fighting the crooks.  She also has pictures of Warpath with the paramedics.  She thinks she knows the paramedic who helped Warpath, having seen her working at a Starbucks near Hollywood alley. When she learns the nurse is Diego's mom, she asks to meet her to interview her and write an awesome article to hopefully get hired by The Truth Exists. She asks to meet them this weekend.  Diego says no, but she remains insistent - even claiming it is an opportunity to get to know him - despite Diego insisting he rather only get to know her in school.. Shin only overhears her asking to visit Diego in the weekend and wonders why teenage human behavior is so strange. Selena sees Shin staring and thinks he's a creep for staring at them.  Guy, now in the White Room, pulls himself up onto the couch, overwhelmed at the fact he just got saved by El Teniente.  He grabs one of the nearby items in his hoard in the White Room and uses it to diminish his injuries immediately.


Over the weekend, Guy visits a number of theater auditions to observe and try to find possible people to pretend to be his parents come Monday.  He sneaks into an ongoing audition and ends up getting noticed by the director who shares with him a short story of his love for the stage and how he won't report Guy to the security since he was once like him.  Eventually he meets two possible parental candidates and negotiates with them the plan to have them pose as his parents for the meeting on Monday.   After, Guy warps to a nearby mountain range area to get some rest and recovery done.
Back at home, Diego sees his hectic mother who has just got back from the grocery,  She asks him to help her fix the stuff and asks if he had brough Mateo, the youngest son, to the school but she reminds him it is the weekend.  She informs Maria, his sister, is on her way back from that cultural trip with her Abuela. Maria insists Mateo should be in school since it is Sunday, but Diego reminds her there is no such thing as Saturday school.  Downstairs, Diego sees Lucita and their mom hurries off but outside, Selena is there and hopes to introduce herself to her mother. Lucita nags Diego to tell her about the bank robbery as she knows they were there.  For a moment Diego worries Lucita was insisting he was near El Teniente and the other heroes. Diego claims he was delivering some sort of beetle root for Mr. Chin that hour. Lucita herself seems to be a fan of The Truth Exists, and even shares she read that Buzz has appeared in two places at a single time. Diego is surprised she's suddenly into super heroes. Lucita admits she overheard Diego talking to himself in the bathroom a few times and asks who does he talk to. Diego realizes he has to be more quiet about those times he tries to talk to the Lady of the Lake.  Lucita teases Diego about having a girlfriend when Selena knocks at the door and asks to be allowed in. Diego finds her creepy.  Mateo gets awakened by the yelling and asks who is outside. Diego confronts Selena outside, not happy to see she has traced him to this house. Selena admits she wasn't being intrusive but she just really wanted to see what she can learn.  Selena admits she was so used to getting what she wants and apologizes for being a jerk.  As she walks away, Diego sees her step into a really expensive car with government plates. Diego heads back, sees Mateo and Lucita teasing him about the girl outside, and he reminds them all to focus on their weekend checklists which they always use to map out their chores.

Shin and Ren discuss school as Ren does a few tweaks into Shin's systems.  Shin admits he's getting a hang of this being human thing, and Ren is happy to hear that.  Ren doesn't push more though and Shin starts to notice Ren has a moment of... sadness... each time he talks to Shin about being a super hero.   The two talk about how Buzz dodged a bullet in time, an act which Ren insists his pure luck since no one can dodge a bullet.

The group bumps into each other once more at the grocery when Guy bumps into Shin and Ren at the supermarket. Guy is surprised to see the cart filled with a lot of electronics and hardware supplies. Shin turns around and sees the "missing student" and asks about what happened to him when he disappeared at the bus. Guy claims he decided to cut class after getting bored especially with the robbery happening nearby.  Shin introduces Ren, and Ren asks if Guy is one of his friends. Ren is very happy to see someone take the effort to get to know Shin, especially since some think he's kind of weird. Guy admits he is kind of weird and tries to shift the conversation to ask if they are building something. Shin claims they're just fixing stuff in the house.  They talk about Selena and Guy insists he wasn't shot down by the girl. Shin however admits Selena seems more interested in their classmate, Franco.  To their surprise, they both see Professor Arbuckle greeting them as he walks up to them. Shin greets him and admits its nice to see him, "despite his divorce." He reminds Guy to have the parents meet with him next week, which Guy claims is the best time his parents get home. Shin ends up admitting to the professor that Guy cut class and when Guy tries to cough and signal him to shut up, Shin ends up asking why he seems to be coughing louder and more often right now. At the distance, they see Diego also at the market.

There, Abuela complains to Diego about having purchased all the wrong brands.  Diego defends her mother for buying things that fit the budget. Abuela however seems eager to buy a lot and claims it is all well since she is in town and she can afford to make them all happy. Diego, however, discovers in horror that it is because Abuela has been using her multiple credit cards in a circular way. "I have five of them," she proudly claims, "And I use them to pay each other."  Diego reminds her it is hard to earn money in the city.  Abuela shows him she has one lottery ticket every week and that she only needs one lucky day to pay for everything.   Diego sees Shin and Guy nearby and exchange pleasantries. Abuela asks them if they are all friends with Diego. Guy says yes, but then realizes he just revealed he understands Spanish. The Professor is amused and tries to join the conversation, horribly using the wrong words as he embarrassingly converses with him in a broken attempt to speak her language.  Abuela just smiles and tries not to react to his horrible words.  Abuela invites the others to visit the house in the future, with Maria returning with a two tubs of ice cream.  Guy excitedly responds in Spanish that they'd be delighted to go.

But before any of them could leave, the sounds of screams reach them from across the street.  As it turns out, Le Chateau d' Univers is just across the street and bright rays of light have begun to dance outside from the building.  As Diego tells Maria to watch over Abuela, he rushes outside to see how he can help. Buzz sees the trouble and turns to Ren, who gives him the go signal to head out and see what he can do to help.  Guy quickly warps into the White Room and tries to peer into what is going on inside.  Diego rushes to the alleyway but finds a man in a suit, hat, and domino mask stepping out. He notices the silver coins that form a necklace around the man's neck as he calmly walks towards the building.  Diego waits for the man to leave, then calls upon the Lady of the Lake to transform him back into El Teniente.  From the White Room, Guy drops off his groceries in the room and hurriedly remotely peeks into the place to see what is going on. Buzz reaches the entrance and sees all the running kids and parents and learns others are still stuck inside. Buzz tries to ask how many are inside, but no one gives a clear number.  He dashes inside. Guy warps to the street, asking a runner which floor the kids are trapped in, but being a kid, the man just keeps running.  The building has three floors: The Jurassic World, The Wild Wild West, and the Final Frontier. Guy decides to just run inside for now.   Diego sees Guy running for the building and wonders why he's heading there.

Buzz heads inside and learns from a weeping parent that something "ate his son." Laughter breaks through the public address system. He moves in deeper and finds the main junction area with the stairwells to the three floors.  He looks up and sees the impossible: flying pterodactyls are flapping their leathery wings and screeching at the running people. Buzz stretches an arm into a wrecking ball to slam into one of the flying dinosaurs and knock it down from the sky.  The thing swoops, dodging Buzz' blow. Buzz rushes forward to catch the boy as he leaps up and snatch him to safety. Guy learns of the dinosaurs form the parents outside and warps into the junction room as well. He sees Buzz pushing a kid into a parents' arms and runs to grab a few more kids. Guy spots one seemingly commanding the others and he sees the dinosaurs descending towards Buzz. Guy leaps at Buzz and throws him into the White Room to avoid the dinosaurs. Buzz looks around at the stuff all around him and does not know how he got here. A black silhouette in a human shape suddenly closes in at them and shunts them back outside into the junction room near the entrance. Without his costume, Guy keeps his hoodie on and tries to sound different as he tells Buzz to focus on the kids. El Teniente, sees the Lady warning him to be careful as there is something different nearby.  El Teniente runs across the street amidst the cheers from the people at the supermarket.  He uses his boots to leap across the street to reach the building in one bound.  He finds Mister E, the man with the hat, using his powers to calmly have the people leave the room in a single file.  Mister E tells El Teniente that they have heard of him and that his companions are already inside. "Rescue those you can, I shall see if I can find the heart of the matter." Mister E quietly hurries deeper into the facility.  El Teniente sees one of the silver pieces of Mister E's necklace spinning in mid air, and the panicked and screaming people suddenly turn calm the moment they are within eyesight of the spinning disc.

In the junction room, Buzz and Guy dodge and leap and warp away from the dinosaur attacks. Guy leaps back into the White Room to dodge a close call.  Buzz shifts into a massive wall to smash onto the fliers that get close by, knocking them down to the ground and to their surprise the dinosaurs explode into golden pixels.

"It's like the device yesterday," El Teniente observes and Buzz turns to see him there. He reminds Buzz of the device the bank robbers had.  Back in the White Room, Guy quickly grabs his mask, and dons it on, wondering how the others get dressed so quickly.  He warps back into the third floor, standing on the wall as he observes what has happened so far. As the other dinosaurs close in, El Teniente calls out to everyone to close their eyes and uses his sword to unleash another magnificent flash of light.  The light disrupts all the other flying dinosaurs in the area, shattering their hard light bodies.  "So amazing," Warpath sighs as he hurries down the wall.  The ground begins to shake announcing something big coming.  Warpath leaps, warps out, then warps back in behind El Teniente.  Buzz and El Teniente brace for impact as the Tyrannosaurus Rex emerges from the Jurassic World door and charges towards them.  El Teniente glances at Warpath and notices it is still Guy in a mask.  "Guy?" Warpath tries to fake a lower tone voice and claims to be someone else. As the T-Rex charges forward, El Teniente unleashes another flash, but surprisingly this doesn't work this time!  Buzz charges forward as well, splitting into two beings as he does so.  Buzz reaches for each other's arms in an attempt to trip the charging dinosaur.  The dinosaur proves to be too powerful as both Buzzes feel the dinosaur drag them with it!  El Teniente hunkers down and holds the Shield up, hoping its energy absorption abilities will work.  "I just wanted to say you're really cool," Warpath whispers.  "Not now!" El Teniente hisses back.  As the Rex attempts to chomp them down, El Teniente pulls the shield back at the right moment to trap it against the Rex' maw!  The absorption doesn't seem to work.  Buzz coordinates their attack, transforming into blades to plunge into the hard light dinosaur. The attacks Buzz launch shatter the Rex' cohesion almost becoming pixels that get absorbed into El Teniente's Shield.   Warpath warps back into the White Room, then warps back on a motorcycle that he flings at the Rex as a heavy projectile!  He times it wrong, though, and the motorcycle crashes to the ground near the Rex. Hoping to help things along, El Teniente slashes at the Rex with his sword, and the whole body now explodes into pixels.

Screams continue somewhere above.  Buzz sends one of his bodies to the second floor to check on what is going on.  El Teniente's Shield vanishes after absorbing the whole thing.  Warpath asks what happened but El Teniente chooses not to reply. He hurries off to the nearest restroom. Warpath looks up and sees Buzz heading to the second floor.  He follows the other Buzz and El Teniente to the bathroom to see what is going on.

At the second floor, Buzz sees an animatronic cowboy saying howdy as fake tumble weeds rolls by.  The crowd of people huddle at one side as a demonic looking Native American Indian made of hard light threatens the group with his hard light axe.  Buzz rolls into a gigantic ball to ram into the demonic figure. Buzz smashes into the figure, causing it to explode into pieces of light and parts. The people tell him to get away before "it" comes back.  Buzz turns to see the demonic figure manifest again, rising from the ground.  Additional demons rise up as well.  Buzz sees the sign on the wall that reads, "Indian Burial Ground." As around twenty rise up, Buzz worries he may need the others to help him.

At the bathroom, Buzz and Warpath hear El Teniente rush into a stall and a sudden splash of water. None see El Teniente plunge his hand into the water as he calls out for the Lady of the Lake.  The Lady addresses him - though none of the others can hear her reply save for Diego - and she explains the Shield is gone because he no longer needs it. Each Artifact has its own rules and the Shield of Honor defends only those who are weak.  El Teniente realizes the Shield deems them no longer weak and though he tries to argue against it, the Lady seems adamant.  Warpath and Buzz stare at each other, wondering who El Teniente is talking to. The Lady tells him the Shield shall return when it is needed.  Warpath reminds them all there are more people upstairs that they have to go help.  The three step out and look upstairs.  Buzz remembers his split headed up there and wishes he knew what was going on.  Warpath peeks into the second floor area with his remote senses and sees Buzz focused on the defensive as he dodges and weaves around the multiple attackers.  Warpath decides to leap ahead, porting in to grab the closest opponent Buzz is facing.  One of the demons lands the flat side of the axe against Buzz's face, causing him to stagger to the ground. Each demon Warpath pulls into the White Room explodes into pixels as well.  Buzz finds a breather and grabs one of the kids huddled in the crowd and runs out with the boy as they dodge the other demons. Buzz flings an arm close to the ground, toppling the other demons to the floor as he tries to make his escape. Warpath leaps back in, grabs another demon and pulls him into the White Room but again the demon is gone.  "I guess I'm... helping?" he muses. He jumps from demon to demon, shunting them into the White Room.

The Buzz outside with El Teniente hurry up the stairs. Buzz suddenly has an idea and tries to locate the source of the animatronics in the building.  He dashes off to head for the upper level, hoping to find something there.  Warpath realizes there are too many of them and he leaps back into the White Room and decides to focus on the bystanders.  Quietly, he appears among them and whispers to them to walk into him to safety.  The people one by one begin to vanish as they want into the man-shaped warp hole. El Teniente arrives the second floor and steps inside to see the demons now turning to face him.  The group of bystanders at the rear seems to go less and less in number.  With his sword raised, El Teniente yells at the demons to stop now that they face him. Warpath stares as the demonic native American Indian projections charge at El Teniente. But as he fights them, he sees the demonic hard light forms simply replenishing their ranks without effort.

At the third level, Buzz stares at what looks like a sci-fi inspired setting and pauses at the sign that reads, "Do not trust the Killer Robots." Knowing there are children stuck inside, Buzz pushes forward and lights shine a grid like pattern on the area, as if they were being laser mapped.  The voice over talks about the artificial intelligences attempting to replace humans and that they should not trust the machines.  Buzz inwardly shakes his head, trying to ignore the fact he feels affected by the statement.  The robots emerge, can-shaped things with long extended arms and turrents protruding from their bodies.  Buzz uses his shapeshifting to show the robots he is one of them, gaining their trust.  "Take me to your leader," he tells them.

Back in the White Room, Warpath sees the ten people he's saved so far and tells them to exit by taking the new portal he's created. The people hurry through him to the outside to safety. El Teniente hopes the demons are not "real" and starts using his sword to try disarming the demons. The sword cuts through the demon's arm, enough to render it useless. But whenever they're destroyed enough, they dissolve into pixels and they return fully formed. El Teniente parries the other demons' strikes but he starts to realize the nine demons are just too strong.  He calls upon the blade once more and releases another Flash.  The demons discorporate.

Back in space, Buzz sees the trapped kids in pillars of light, as if the light columns were physical chambers. Buzz meets the figure calling itself the Overlord and admits there can only be one. "Then I shall be it," Buzz grins and with a burst of super speed, he rushes into the Overlord and punches the figure as many times as possible! The figure is flung off its cradle, flying from the wires and cables.  The can robots turn and bow before Buzz, declaring him the new Overlord. Buzz commands them to let the people go and tells them to cease whatever the last directive was. The robots confirm they will cease the Processing.  As the kids wake up, Buzz yells at them to start running.

Glass shatters.  All of the Heroes turn towards the sound and realize it is from an office at the third floor.  Warpath warps to the roof to find the source of the sound and he finds a shattered window at the floor just below him.  He pulls out a coin from his pocket, imbues it with his senses, and drops it onto the floor below him.  He sees a man held by the throat outside the window.  Mister E holds the owner of the shop, Mister Princeton outside and demands he admit where he got the box. Princeton confesses he does not know.  El Teniente hurries to the third floor and finds Buzz in charge of the robots. Buzz admits he gained control of the robots by defeating the Overlord - but he omits stating he showed his robotic nature to gain their trust.  Back upstairs, Warpath watches as Mister E demand an explanation from Princeton. Princeton admits the box that he was sent is gone, having disappeared after it was activated.  Princeton admits he has no idea who sent it or why it was sent to him. He even confesses he hates this job. Mister E asks aloud, "What do you think?" and Warpath suddenly realizes Mister E is talking to him! Mister E asks if Warpath thinks Princeton is telling the truth and Warpath admits he isn't sure. Mister E picks up the coin Warpath dropped and slips it into Princeton's shirt pocket.  Warpath suddenly realizes he can hear Princeton's heart beat but still cannot discern if Princeton knows anything else.  Mister E reminds Warpath that he and his friends will have to be ready to make hard decisions if they really want to start acting like super heroes. Especially when they have to make choices without knowing for certain. Mister E drops Princeton back on the table in the office as El Teniente and Buzz arrive at the side office door.

Mister E summarizes to them what happened and admits he wishes he knew where to find this supposed "box" as there seems to be no trace of it. Warpath admits he isn't sure if Princeton's lying. El Teniente's Helm tells him Princeton definitely doesn't know anything and is innocent to all this. Mister E sends Buzz to rush around the whole building for any box that looks out of the ordinary. El Teniente shares that his sword's light powers is capable of destroying the monsters. To deal with the remaining threats, Mister E asks El Teniente to go with Buzz and use the sword's light effect to destroy the remaining hard light holograms. Warpath wraps into the room, standing on the ceiling, and admits it is really an honor working with Mister E and El Teniente. Mister E tells Warpath to try looking for the box as well.

"Someone is testing something," Mister E suspects as well and asks if their team can handle investigating this.  El Teniente, Buzz and Warpath stare at each other, admittedly they didn't think that they were formally a team yet. Mister E detaches one of the silver coins from his necklace and it spins in the space between his fingers.  He clasps his fingers at it to hold it steady then reaches out towards the three, telling them he will leave it with them in case they need to contact him in the future. "It shall tell me when you need of me," Mister E explains.  Warpath takes it and pockets it.

"Make sure in the end Justice is achieved," Mister E asks them. He confesses that he suspects the villain calling himself the MechaMaster might be behind this experiment.  The three tell Mister E that they are ready to tackle this.  He suggests then that, "You Millennials are doing a good job despite your diverse backgrounds. Learn to trust each other and rely on each other. Savior and Diva are able to trust me because I told them everything.  If they learned to trust me despite my... history, I believe your group can do the same."  Mister E walks to the window again and tells them that the Savior is handling the rescue a team of astronauts stuck near the moon, while Diva is handling peacekeeping operations in Africa.  He hopes they can rely on this new group to handle things here in Traverse City. Mister E turns to Buzz, telling him, "As the team leader, I'll hear from you."  As he walks to leave, the other silver coins that have been left floating in the building begin to fly back towards him, reconnecting to his necklace.  The sharp-eyed among the three notice a single gap remains in the necklace... likely for the coin left with them.  As he takes his hat off, when he releases it, he is gone and the hat hits the streets and just rolls away.

The three stand by the window, asking each other if they're really doing this... team business.  Buzz admits they've been working together a couple of times in the past.  People call out pointing at them from the street.  The newly arrived police cars come to a stop, training their spotlights at them at the third floor window.  The group stares at the faces cheering at them and the calls for them to speak. El Teniente salutes with his sword, then sheaths it.  The yelling growls louder. Buzz and Warpath stare at each other. The two start striking poses of their own, and the cheering growls louder.  Abuela pushes through the crowd and El Teniente cannot help but feel that she's staring right at her.  Warpath transforms into a warp portal and asks the two to step through.  They exit, leaving their adoring crowd screaming despite having gone.

A car suddenly slides to the side and the cops turn expecting panic.  But with the spotlights trained at the source of the sound, everyone sees the young girl raising both hands as she runs towards the building with her cape fluttering behind her.  She looks to be ten, perhaps twelve years old.  "Wait wait!," she calls out, "I'm with them! I'm with them!  I'm part of that team!"

The people stare in shock.  Someone finally asks, "Who are you?"

"I'm Missus Teniente," she strikes a pose, "Yup! He is my boyfriend!"

The spotlights focus on her as she winks and tells them, "We're the Teniente Family!"

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