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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Forty Year Old Fanboy Update #5

Woke up at 3pm and I think I'm trying to battle against jetlag. Spent the most of the morning tracking the packages we had ordered and discovered that some of our purchases did not arrive. So we're gonna have to double check with the sellers on what happened there.

Was able to get in touch with Rocky and we had a nice long chat to get back in touch and share updates on what's been going on from our respective ends of the world. Pretty excited for the various Star Trek ships that I'll find a way to bring back home with me. As well as the printed copies of 7th Sea Pirate Nations, Exalted 3rd edition, the decks for Masks, and our copy of Red Flags.

Spend most of the afternoon getting the ASUS (not SNSV!) phone which Philip lent me up and running using Dokes' AT&T Sim functioning.  Now that I've loaded it up with credits, I am actually reachable online and via mobile while here in the States.  Admittedly, I'm more accessible here than back at home cause here, the phone is set to unlimited data the whole time!  And yeah, this is a nice phone.

With that, I made sure the phone has both Uber and Lyft to give me mobility options. Sadly, Lyft didn't have anymore the $50 free credits for initial sign up. I was kinda hoping that was still in effect since it would have saved me a bundle of money. But at least I can pay using paypal. Also went to the grocery with Ate Ives to purchase the stuff I can cook for the family while here. I'm looking at roasting some chicken breast for them, maybe fry some pork slices, or even make burgers.  Definitely got lettuce and stuff for a hearty salad in the near future.  Tried looking for a Tamagoyaki pan but sadly there wasn't any, so will try to make a folded omelet without one in the coming days.

Been going through work emails, and writing some game writing when I can.  Still getting the feel of the house, but I'm definitely relaxed and happy.  Missing Rocky a lot, but at least the internet allows us to keep in touch.  I'm deliberately not talking about current news events in this blog.  Gotten in touch with a lot of the gaming people I'm meeting up with and a few old friends, and cousins, whom I can make time to hang out with too.  I will admit there's a part of me that feels odd about some of these meetups. A lot of the people I keep in touch with lately has been from industries or circles I've been keeping tabs with. But some of them are friends or family whom I barely hear from save for when such trips happen. It isn't a bad thing, but sometimes I just find myself wondering why it takes a trip like this before connections are reestablished. Oh well.

Tomorrow, I'll be meeting up with Ben Lehman and we're gonna hit the Getty Museum. Afterwards, I'm hoping to run A Single Moment for him and give him a signed copy of my book to keep too!  Now there was something else I purchased... but I can't quite put my finger on it right now.

I do blame my dear friend Jovan, and Kayta, for this purchase. Its an odd duck with nine hands being Caucasian and one single hand being quite tanned.  But I'm happy to own my own incomplete set. It will prove handy in the times to come.

I've been sneaking time to read Yasutaka Tsutsui's Salmonella Men on Planet Porno and it has been a wonderful escape from the stresses of daily life. The book feels like an interesting take at metafiction and while some make comparisons to Haruki Murakami, I feel this is closer to a more sexual and Asian Black Mirror.  I've also been finding time to read John Wick's Daughter of Fate which I am really enjoying as well. It is funny how I'm finding more time to read now.  But then that's cause I'm not having my quality time with Rocky as we watch our respective favorite shows. Ah, the see-saw of things to do.

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