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Monday, May 22, 2017

Forty Year Old Fanboy Update#3

Stepped out to pee.  When I got back, seemingly started a chain reaction as the woman closest to me stepped out to pee, leaving her bag on the seat, then she returned and two others beside her then left, and so on. It was like a pee ripple. Only no one got wet.

Saw the Globe charging station too late, and the crowd of millennial sa huddled around it looks kinda amusing. Was tempted  to take photos but decided against it as that would eat more battery power. No charging prior to flight it seems. Good thing I brought a book.  Either that or make up rules to play Sushi Go solitaire some how. Had nice flashbacks of our D.C. heroes game last night. I hope Peter David forgives me for using a Madrox Multiple man story arc to enhance our game.

No particularly cute passengers save for myself today. Rocky and I always joke about seeing if there are any cute guys in the flight we are in. Today, flying solo, no one looks like a looker. I'm afraid the truth plainly is that Rocky is the magnet of good looking guys. 

He did attract me, after all. 

Still waiting. One hour to go before boarding. 

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