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Monday, May 1, 2017

Gamex 2017: See you this May!

Thank you so much to the fantastic people behind Strategicon for allowing me to be one of their guests this coming Gamex 2017 which will happen this coming Memorial Day weekend!  Gamex 2017 will be four days of gaming and opportunities to try new stuff and meet lots of people who share our passion for role-playing games and table top fun.

With me in the event will be the ever-wonderful Ben Woerner, the brains behind Woerner's Wunderwerks and a fellow member of the Indie Game Developer Network.  I'm hoping to run a few sessions of A Single Moment, as well as maybe let people try my take on 7th Sea, Lacuna: The Birth of Mystery and the Girl from Blue City, and John Wick Presents' Schauermarchen. I think it will all depend on what will be worked out in registration. I'll send updates once that is finalized.

So, to anyone who will be attending the event, do feel free to come over and say hello.  I'll try to also have some copies of A Single Moment to sign and sell if there is any interest!  See you!

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