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Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Children Cry now available!

The Children Cry, a new 7th Sea adventure set in La Bucca, has launched today.  Do excuse my fanboy moment as I celebrate the fact I've released another piece for 7th Sea. I've been quite a fan of John Wick's work, and to see him now posting about my work is just a treat for me.

Even better, I got to revisit La Bucca, which I loved working on for 7th Sea: Pirate Nations. I really hope people enjoy this little scary adventure I wrote and have fun running it for their players.

Grab the adventure today:
Also, feel free to check out my other 7th Sea Explorer's Society stuff:
My collection of horror beasties for Eisen in The Dark Journal.
The Dark Journal
The Dark Journal - Part 2
The Dark Journal - Part 3
My Montaigne-set adventure against a terror from the places between the worlds.
The Twisted Mirror

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