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Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Great Pendragon Campaign: Episode 02 - Pendragon

The Great Pendragon Campaign

Episode Two
"Gigantic Proportions"


Sir Perriton visits Imber again, having hoped to find the family whom he promised to purchase a cow from. Instead, he discovers that the Church presence nearby has caused some conflict and there has been a disappearance in the number of women in the area, including the mistress who used to live with Old Garr. Bliant, on the other hand, begins to court Lady Gwiona, visiting her when he has opportunities to do so and spending time with her at the garden when they are together. Slowly a new Passion grows between them.

Year 486
Court is held at Windsor. There is much talk about raiding Colchester.  Sir Gilmere and Sir Riordan encounter the strange man, Merlin, who seems to be anxious to eat. Rumor has it, he has been fasting for nearly half a year for reasons he cannot divulge. He ends up warning Gilmere not to be "distracted by the goat" and is ushered off to discuss with the Earl the plans for the Colchester raid. But despite the excitement of the new knights to be part of the engagement, they learn they are given garrison duty to watch over the Countess Ellen, Lady Jenna, and the unexpected guest, Lady Gwiona at the City of Sarum.  While there, however, they begin to hear a goat yelling somewhere.

As the group investigates, they find an old man in tattered goatskin asking the knights to help find his missing goat. The group splits up and while the rest of them consider what to do with their squires, Gilmere tracks the goat to the top of the hill. He fails, however, to see the nearby threat.  When the giant emerges from the shadows, the knights suddenly find themselves in a fight for their lives against a frighteningly powerful monster! The giant, it turns out, was merely a test from Merlin who needs knights to protect him in a mission of some sort.  The group fights against green knights who bleed water, and do what they can to fight against these nukalaevee from reaching Merlin. The wizard somehow has drawn a sword from the lake. He thanks the knights for their service to Britain and sends them off to return to their duties.

The knights share their tale with the Countess Ellen and she eventually shares it with the Earl during the Christmas Court. This brings them more glory.

Year 487
A young lad seeks to become a knight and gain ownership of the land he and his mother live in.  Gilmere and Bliant speak with the boy and knowing the Countess needs to reach her destination soon, Gilmere takes the boy to serve in his household and eventually pens a letter for Aramig, the boy, to become the squire of his younger brother. Aramig gains a Passion (Hate) towards Bliant, whom he feels was insensitive to his plight.  Bliant continues to meet with Lady Gwiona, and their Passion for each other begins to grow.

Along the way to Wylye, however, Riordan and Perriton encounter some trouble at a farm where a foreigner supposedly is causing trouble. The man, Finnegan, turns out to be a "Bear Killer" and has come to challenge the supposed "Riordan Bear Killer" to an arm wrestling match. Finnegan leaves defeated, but gains Passion (Respect) towards Riordan. Riordan begins to join more tournaments, gaining the title, "Riordan the Giant". Perriton spends more time with the young Lady Jenna, whom he shares more stories with.

On Christmas, however, the feast is remembered as the Great Sword Feast. The Earl and the Countess are surprised to learn that King Uther himself and his entourage have opted to join them this Christmas. Countess Ellen, however, maintains a calm level of focus and guides her staff to accommodate the royal guests.  Gift giving soon follows, but nothing prepares the gathered for Merlin's gift to the King, Excalibur, the Sword of Victory!  Merlin, however, reminds him that all he need to, however, is remain just.

Merlin invites the knights to share their stories of how he helped them and this leads them to making a choice: Join the mission to raid the Saxons up and down the shoreline, with the plan to destroy as many of their boats as possible.  Or accompany Earl Roderick, King Uther, and Duke Ulfius, to ride to the Duke of Lindsey at Lincoln. The four knights opt to break into two groups to take part in both.

Riordan and Perriton join the Lindsey Embassy and while waiting for the missing Duke, opt to go hunting.  While hunting, however, they encounter an unexpected sight: a creature with the body of an antelope, but with two horns that can be independently moved. The beast is a Yale, and Merlin stops them from attacking the beast, warning them that to attack such a beast would be to invite trouble in the future.  The Assembly finally happens and the two bear witness to the Duke of Lindsey submitting before King Uther after Merlin shares the High History of Excalibur and reveals the blade, dispelling all the shadows in the gathered.

Gilmere and Bliant, on the other hand, gain more Glory as they destroy ship upon ship with the guidance of Prince Madoc, son of Uther, and the Admiral Gwenwynwyn. They destroy ships near Pevensy, then sink the ships of King AElle.  Then they go to Dover and sink the ships of Jutes.  But as they sail up the Blackwater River, they learn that few ships are present and suspect a trap.  So while the two man ships to lure the Saxons, the rest of the ships under Madoc and the rest finish the job even past Yarmouth, and into the lands of Lindsey and the waters of the Wash.

King Uther is in a better mood by the end of the year.  He sends spies and nobles to learn more of what the northern lords in Cumbria have in mind.

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