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Monday, March 19, 2018

TAG Bites April 2018 - Tiny Dungeon 2e's Legacy:The War of the Widows

This April, try an incredibly simple yet awesome fantasy rpg!

“My grandfather once owned this blade. Carved from the tooth of a Goletia. Forged with the blood of a Ferrex horde. He died protecting the refugees that fed for the Northern Chasm from the onslaught of the Alavanche Wurm. I will not tarnish the legacy he has left behind.”
~Autark Darid, Tird Generation Swordpoet

The war began nearly 300 years ago, but no one remembers for certain why it began. Most only know that their very survival lies in fighting against the relentless Ferrex hordes that scour the land for any human settlement they can find. These scavengers tear apart any human settlements they come across, and strip them of all possible resources they need. Sadly, that includes human body parts they need to replace. The People barely recall a life without the constant war against the Ferrex. Worse, even fewer recall a time when the titans known as the Goletia did not serve the Ferrex’s dark hunger.
Very few of the People can claim to have an intact family, having lost fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters to the uncaring cycle of destruction and death that has become their daily experience. “We are all widows,” Autark Darid once said, “but this War is one we Widows must overcome.”
The nations have united against the singular true enemy, and armaments that once proved deadly to each other now are trained upon the greatest threat the People have ever had to face. There is finally hope.

Tiny Dungeon 2nd edition is available for purchase online.

Try this amazing game system, and the micro-setting, Legacy: The War of the Widows, written by Tobie Abad this April.  TAG Bites sessions are completely free, as we continue in our mission to help introduce more people to the diverse and wonderful world of indie rpgs and lesser known titles.

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