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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

April 11, 2018 #AprilTTRPGMaker 11: What's yer brand

April 11, 2018
#11: What's yer brand

Currently, I don't think TAG Sessions has a brand, per se. At most, I can say it is a brand that tries to be innovative and emotionally true. I'm not too keen on writing supplements or games that just do more of the same thing that's already out there. I like creating stuff that offers a new way to try something or explores a new mechanics that does something familiar in a different way.


I challenge ye, my dear fellow game makers, to answer my questions, on the corresponding day, this burgeoning April, and verily it shall be that ye shall be inspired by all makers around you and in this beautiful world henceforth. #AprilTTRPGMaker

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