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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

#AprilTTRPGMaker 20: Favorite design Tools?

#20Favorite design Tools?
Not much. I use Word or Notepad for most of my writing. Unless I literally write stuff down in any notebook or pad I got. My handwriting is atrocious, however, so typing is better.  For lay out, I either use Word or InDesign.   Vector artwork is usually made with Illustrator but sometimes I use Photoshop instead. 

The internet is, of course, a resource I tap often. More so when writing on stuff that do not have that much dead-tree resources available.  I realize now I have no idea if I answered this question correctly.


I challenge ye, my dear fellow game makers, to answer my questions, on the corresponding day, this burgeoning April, and verily it shall be that ye shall be inspired by all makers around you and in this beautiful world henceforth. #AprilTTRPGMaker

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