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Friday, April 27, 2018

#AprilTTRPGMaker 23: People who've helped you?

#23: People who've helped you?
First person on the list will have to be Rocky, my partner. One can cite countless examples of people who are in relationships where only one of the other pair is into gaming. My partner not only enjoys games but also loves the geeky gay world we live in so much that he supports me in so many ways.

Then you have my family. My mom and dad were HUGE influences in my life. They gave me opportunities to learn to write, and an education that allowed me to gain the skills necessary to create.

This is followed by the online community of awesome friends and supporters I have who have helped me find opportunities to express my creative ideas. Josh Jordan, Alan Bahr, Ben Woerner, Dan Waszkiewicz, John Kennedy, Ryan Schoon, Ben Lehman, Andy Kitkowski, Ole Peder Giæver, Eloy Lasanta, John Wick, Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Giovanni Micolucci ...

And the late Stewart Wieck.They all believed in me and gave me opportunities to contribute to the tabletop rpg community. They were kind and extremely supportive.

Then, there are my TAG TEAM SUPPORTERS. Among them include Rob Abrazado, David Harrison, Mina, Karlo, Ryan Schoon, Riverhouse Games and Rob Deobald. The financial support has been amazing and has helped me fund more artists to work on my games. Thank you for your trust.

There are my friends. Flip Velez, Urim Hernandez, Josh Castaneda, Che de Leon and her partner, Kyle, James Lo and his wife, Lei, Aina and Brian, the Finer Gamer Things Club (Mitch, Myna, Mai, Karen, Jovan, Christian, and more), Gwen, the local table top game community leaders such as Thomas, Nico, Freddie, the people of Project Tadhana, Mon Macutay of, Hans of Gaming Library, and so many other friends who help me keep moving and rally behind me when things get tough.

And finally, the gamers who tried, bought, or shared my games with others. To the podcasters who featured my stuff or interviewed me. To the webshows that mentioned my name or tried my little creations. To the parents, or teachers, or uncles and aunts who tried learning more about rpgs and were thankful that I helped them understand what their kids, neices and nephews, friends, were into. Your messages of support, your youtube videos of appreciation, your emails of criticism, all of that is welcomed and appreciated because you opted to spent some part of your time to check out something I made.

These are the people who have helped me.
These are the ones who remind me to rise up no matter how many times I've been bullied or attacked or manipulated or taken advantage of. These are the people who have helped me see that life does get better. Life does go on. And we all can be beacons of hope and diverse examples of truly inclusive gaming safe spaces.


I challenge ye, my dear fellow game makers, to answer my questions, on the corresponding day, this burgeoning April, and verily it shall be that ye shall be inspired by all makers around you and in this beautiful world henceforth. #AprilTTRPGMaker

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