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Monday, April 30, 2018

#AprilTTRPGMaker 28: Favorite Interview?

#28: Favorite Interview?
This is tough. It rattles some trauma. There was an interview that made me feel like I was extremely fortunate at one point in time, but has since become a reminder that one has to be careful when handling things in the industry. Bottom line is, you can never be too careful when dealing with people you don't know. And sometimes, the best you can do is to just chalk it up to experience and learn to do better in the future.

So I guess for now, the best interview I can mention is the one I did for GMA News. GMA News is one of the biggest local news outlets here in the Philippines.  When I was interviewed to share my thoughts on tabletop games and to talk about how it was like to write for 7th Sea and stuff, I was overjoyed at the thought that the interview might inspire others to try and do the same. Many even fan the flames of more local designers and writers to take the plunge and try to break into the industry.


I challenge ye, my dear fellow game makers, to answer my questions, on the corresponding day, this burgeoning April, and verily it shall be that ye shall be inspired by all makers around you and in this beautiful world henceforth. #AprilTTRPGMaker

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