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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Single Sheet Sourcebooks: 7th Sea

I've started releasing Single Sheet Sourcebooks, my one-page GM tool for 7th Sea 2nd edition. Currently, I have three online right now and they seem to be receiving some modest attention.

Single Sheet Sourcebook 01: Fifty Unexpected Events
The first of many "Single Sheet Sourcebooks" for 7th Sea, 2nd edition. This one offers ideas and prompts useful when struggling for a good scene. Just roll and listen to what the players have to say. Your sessions story lies in their ideas. These events can be for one-shot games, filler sessions when the main Story needs a breather, or even jumping points for a whole new campaign. Have fun!

Single Sheet Sourcebook 02: Fifty Unexpected Events
The second of many "Single Sheet Sourcebooks" for 7th Sea, 2nd edition. This one offers ideas and prompts useful for adding family-related moments to the game. These events can be for one-shot games, filler sessions when the main Story needs a breather, or even jumping points for a whole new campaign.

Single Sheet Sourcebook 03: Fifty Disturbing Dievai

The third of many "Single Sheet Sourcebooks" for 7th Sea, 2nd edition.
This one offers visual ideas for disturbing and remarkable concepts for dievai in your game.
Use this table to randomly choose a dievai for your game, or just choose the one whose description calls to you the most.

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