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Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 2019: TRPG TALK BREAKFAST at Kanto Freestyle

Was extremely grateful and appreciative to be part of the TRPG Talk Breakfast session last April 13 at Kanto Freestyle. It was very empowering and heart-warming to be with gamers who truly were welcoming and passionate about the hobby and its ability to connect people.

Saw familiar faces, met lovely new people, and got to know creative new faces whom I am excited to soon be able to run games for and enjoy time with - schedules permitting, of course. It does remind me that despite the fear and the trauma, finding the courage to step out, reconnect with the community, and embrace their love and support is needed to heal the scars that continue to ache (and sometimes, bleed). I will forever be grateful. And I excitedly look forward to more gaming and to more time with the wonderful growing community of friends, gamers, and new faces!

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