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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Talk on Filipino Tabletop Games

Just finished giving a three-hour talk on Filipino Tabletop games for the Cultural Officers' Course for the personnel of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Was very happy to offer knowledge and insights on the existing variety of Filipino games, both tabletop and role-playing, and how they can serve as further tools to promote Philippine arts and culture.

The whole talk was held with the permission of Taktyl Studios.
It was managed using Google Meet.

The final 14+MB pdf was then provided for them to peruse and explore as desired. I tried to cover everything I could, given the wide range of creative approaches that local and internationally-based creators have explored.  In the end, I hope I at least inspired them to check out how our games can be used, and enjoyed.

Thank you for having me!

Special thanks to Yves Suiza of Promeworks for the cover image.
And to Adrian Martinez for the opportunity.
And of course, thank you to my TAG TEAM SUPPORTERS for the help! Rocky, Tania, and Hello, Mirai!

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