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Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Invisible Sun campaign: A Door Opens

 Been running a mini-campaign of The Invisible Sun for the last few weeks with a few friends.  The campaign is called, A Door Opens.  Drawing inspiration from shows such as The Magicians, Legion, and movies like Mirror Mask and comics such as Enigma, Sandman, and Mind MGMT, the stories revolve around the concept of doors and the possibilities they offer.

We've been recording the audio of each session just so I can review how I am handling things. The game is NOT livestreamed, and really only shared here so people who are interested in my gaming style can see how I navigate through the system. And to be honest, we're still learning. The Session 0 and first game are filled with lots of attempts to grasp the system and get used to it. But that's how best to learn any new game system, in my opinion.

This is also a game I've decided to dive into and try as one of the twelve new games I try to learn each year! And so far the players are having a great time! So I guess, double win!

It goes without saying, the personalities and characters presented in the game are not reflective of the real personalities and morals of the players and the GM.  But I hope you enjoy a glimpse of how our games are going as well.

For those curious about the game system, The Invisible Sun is back! A new release of the game is coming this 2023.  While I don't think I can afford its hefty price tag, I do recommend it is a game system worth exploring (I was able to afford the digital version only).  If you want to check it out, you can check out this link:

Let's explore the Actuality!

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