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Thursday, December 28, 2023

When emotions are difficult, game and be well


Was having a tough day today, dealing with a loss in the family. Was barely sleeping, barely eating, and in many ways, barely productive despite forcing myself to slug through work and responsibilities. I just.. wasn't in the right headspace.   I had scheduled a few games post work hours to help me find my center.  And while the first one was a great way to recalibrate, the second one had a player drop out and that - while I understand was fair and totally understandable - did a number on my mood and mental state. 

I cancelled the game and wanted to just curl up and sleep.
And yet, even while in bed, I couldn't sleep.

Thankfully, these set of friends reached out and checked on me and kept me company, virtually as it was, and it was enough. I started to feel myself again. I started to feel like I was a person and not just a reaction.

And I realized I felt centered enough to try running a game.
And boy, did that really shoot my recalibration back on track.

Thank you, Lanz, Niccolo, and Emman for helping me through today.
Thank you for the fun game as we explored the world of VAESEN.

Thank you.

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