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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bad Timing featured on Once Upon A Game

A wonderful surprise greeted me today when I decided to take a stab at it and googled, "Bad Timing Fiasco."  As it turns out, a cool webchannel called Once Upon a Game helmed by Eric Vulgaris decided to try playing my game, Bad Timing last February 8!  It was very fun watching them enjoy the game and see how excited they were with the elements to choose from to build their story.

You can watch the episodes here:
Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

It was a truly pleasant surprise to know they really had a blast with the playset.  It really touched me to hear them very often say how the choices the game offered were "oh so good!" and it was very story game variety show was kind enough amusing seeing how they developed their own quirk tale of love, desires and moments of bad timing.

OMG and even fan art!  Check out the link below!
(I'll get permission to post the image first)
Thank you again to Eric Vulgaris, Adam (Tuxtradamus), Nick (NickAnon2) and Michelle (Asteyni) for trying out my game.   Here's hoping you'll enjoy as well the other games I got in the pipeline!

Try the game today!
Bad Timing, a romantic comedy playset.
Now available for PayWhatYouWant on DriveThruRpg.

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