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Friday, January 1, 2021

Goodbye 2020. Here's hoping 2021 will be better.

It was not an easy year last year.  But thankfully, in the end,  we generally survived it. 2019 was tough, and I was hoping that 2020 would be a year to bounce back. But sadly, that was not quite the case. Lost a lot of opportunities, and even money, and nearly more.  The pandemic only served to make it worse. But after talking to my partner, Rocky, about things, he helped me remember the main reason I started TAG Sessions in the first place: To make games that people would be bale to enjoy using to tell new stories.

And so I will just continue to do that.

Of my annual 12 New Games Per Year Challenge, I was thankfully able to complete it this year despite the pandemic. For those new to the blog, I made a personal promise to try and play or run 12 new games every year.

This year's game sessions (which I usually run as TAG Bites sessions) are the following:
1) Praxis: Black Sun - Sunrise End
2) Protocol: Dinner Guests
3) Protocol: Chebyshev Function
4) Maze Rats
5) Dreams of the Aquarium
6) Trinity Continuum
7) Eldritch High
8) Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Adventure Game
9) Takipsilim playtest
10) Night's Black Agents
11) Parsley: Pumpkin Town
12) Root the RPG
13) Legend of the Elements

There were a few notable events which TAG Sessions was sort of able to be part of this 2020.
These include my game being featured or mentioned in one way or another, games being noticed by the community for awards or the like, a few online talks, and attended a few events. There wasn't much else I could do, unfortunately, so I just tried to keep a lower profile. And just tried to stay productive.

One key place I was happy to have been able to participate was in sharing more of my games to a community of solo boardgamers. It was quite touching, to be honest, and it made me happy when I heard back from some of them given their interest in exploring more table top rpgs.  With the pandemic making connecting with people and having games even harder to do, my partner and I decided to start a new thing as a means to stay social while celebrating our passion for geeky things and more.  We created: BADUY PRIDE.

Here are some sample episodes:

We try to shoot an episode a few times a week, usually around 9pm, and we've covered a wide range of topics, from tabletop games, to boardgames, to LGBTQIA+ concerns, and a lot of personal sharing. We don't have a huge following yet, but of those who have been regular viewers, we've been very happy to have connected and have also made new friends.

On the creation side, I wanted to extend my thanks to the TAG TEAM SUPPORTERS:  Rocky, Tania, and Hello, Mirai.  Thanks to their undying support, these are the games and fiction I've released last 2020.  

It is quite a smaller turnout than I hoped for 2020. So I guess I just have to resolve to be more productive this 2021, no matter what happens this year.  Having survived 2019 and 2020, I think I can draw strength from that knowledge and remind myself not to lose sight of the main reason I first started writing my own games.

Thank you for your time.

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