Monday, August 12, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 : Day 13 : Evocative Environments

RPGaDAY 2024 : Day 13 : Evocative Environments

First, there's Planescape's signature city, SIGIL, which just brings awe and fascination in how it both looks, functions, and thrives. Serving as a gateway to so many other places, I cannot help but remember the excitment of shows like Star Gate.

The second would be Exalted. From the gargantuan statue city called the Lap, to the wondrous places of Yu-Shan and the remarkable Chiaroscuro, there are just amazing vistas to see and explore.

Last would be Changeling the Dreaming. The depths of the Dreaming, the Deep Dreaming, and the nightmare realms are mind-bending and twisted in ways Alice in Wonderland would have approved. But the fact that these locations CHANGE YOU as you visit them, I can only imagine if these books indirectly inspired how worlds work in Kingdom Hearts.Of all the games I've tried, three stand out with very evocative environments that make me wanna explore them.

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