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Sunday, May 29, 2016

2016 Update on the 12 New Games for the Year

I'm definitely lagging behind in my 12 new games goal for the year.  I'm anxious to add more to my list soon, but real life has its hurdles.  But definitely in the pipeline are 7th Sea's 2nd edition game, Pugmire, and maybe even something solo like The Beast.

2016 New Games
1) Pocket Odyssey
2) Marvel Heroic Role-playing Game
3) Fiasco: Bookhounds
4) Wield
5) #TagRPG
6) Mutant City Blues

2015 New Games

Game Closet 4 - I'm in a podcast!

The Riverhouse Games has very kindly featured me on their Game Closet podcast.   Gaaaah, why do I sound so nasal. And yeah, I was so nervous I kept chatting and chatting and talking on and on hahaha!  

Here's the write-up on the episode:
Hello friends! And welcome to another great episode of the Riverhouse Games Podcast. We’re doing another Games Closet episode this time, talking to a super cool designer from Manila named Tobie Abad. Tobie has a super cool game out now called A Single Moment, about two Samurai facing off and the road that led them there. I talk to Tobie about the gaming scene where he lives in the Phillipines, what it was like writing Samurai games, and how to use Romantic Comedies to make your games better.

Thank you again so much for having me on it, Taylor.
Listen to the podcast today!

Monday, May 23, 2016

More A Single Moment love!

So first, here's the artwork by Chris, as inspired by She's a Super Geek's A Single Moment session.  This was the finale scene in their game session.  Thank you so much for creating this, Chris!

It means a huge lot to know people are trying my game and having fun!  Thank you so much for tweeting about how much you've enjoyed A Single Moment, guys.  I only hope to be able to write even more fun games for you all to enjoy.


Thank you so much, Phil and Glenn!

Which makes me really consider what direction I want it to take in the future.  I currently have plans for a companion/supplement book, and I also have the offer to consider.  A lot of this is really overwhelmingly unbelievable right now, given I just really got started in writing stuff at this new professional level.

Gotta tell you, its a wild ride!   And its great feeling all the love the community is willing to give.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Single Moment with She's A Super Geek

Today, I learned that She's a Super Geek, a wonderful actual play podcast highlighting women as GMs played my game, A Single Moment!  Senda and Emily played two samurai whose tale of Loyalty took a very unexpected turn.

The game session even has fan art and I'll see if the artist is willing to let me repost the work here.
Also extending thank yous to Chris and Phil of Misdirected Mark porcast for pointing the game out to them. A Single Moment was mention in this in the podcast episode MMP#208 It is at around the 50 minute mark as someone they refer to as the Herald suggests, "Every podcaster should play A Single Moment.".  And they're planning to play the RomCom version and I can't wait to hear them play it.   I definitely am excited at the response the game has been having.  Thank you so much!

Whoever you are, dear Herald, I thank you and owe you a beer. I'm sorry I didn't quite catch your name but I do hope to hear from you.

EDIT: Just been told that the Herald was Pallcomm of VisionaryComms
Thank you again for suggesting to all podcasters to try my humble game.

She's a Super Geek website
She's a Super Geek Patreon Page

Monday, May 16, 2016

I miss the Tzimisce

I'm a sucker for gruesome stuff.  This campaign, which I cannot say is an effective or misdirected one, does make the gamer in me smile.  Memories of Vampire: The Masquerade's Tzimisce Clan come to mind.

I wonder when I will get to run a vampire campaign again.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Games and Sex

I've been toying the idea of making more mature games that celebrate sensuality and human contact.  I was inspired when I read about The Beast, an erotic game for one by Polish designers Aleksandra Sontowska and Kamil Wegrzynowicz.   I was fascinated with the idea of games which you ONLY play with people you trust - an offshoot perhaps of feeling burned recently on events that touched on that.

Wonderfully, it seems this talk was a great source of knowledge and ideas for such.   I have to thank James Wallis for having this talk online.  It is definitely an eye-opener.  And yes, I actually owned a copy of Dirty Minds.

Learn more about the Beast here:

Monday, May 9, 2016

Two great things in one day! And 7th Sea update

So, today I learned that the very kind Sean Patrick Fannon of Eagle Beagle Games has agreed to feature my game, A Single Moment, as his Sean's Pick for May 9, 2016.  Sean wrote for the Champions RPG and was the continuity director for the game and has worked on many other games including videogames and now is one of the authors on the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars line.    He had very kind words to say about A Single Moment.

Thank you so much, Sean!
And thank you so much, Eloy!

The second awesome thing today is related to Itras By. I wrote a review for it some time back and I still feel it is one of the most intriguing and evocative games out there.  Not that many games challenge the player to be a better player. Anyway, so I got an email from Ole Peder GiƦver and while  I can't really say much yet but I can mention that it was nice to know that Tagsessions is slowly gaining momentum.  Here's hoping it does lead to even more insane news soon!

On and I'm still writing my 7th Sea stuff and editing what I can.  Deadlines are looming, but it is uplifting to know how positive the feedback has been on the ideas I have presented and what I've written for the game so far.  I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say the new edition of 7th Sea has truly expanded the scope of things in a wonderful way.


And I get to handle a whole frigging chapter!
Life is good.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dreams Betwixt Walls ep05 : A Red and Pleasant Land

Dreams Betwixt Walls
Episode Five

"T, A Drink with Jam and Bread"

A Red and Pleasant Land

The group continues to travel towards the mountains.  The group finds themselves traversing a massive garden as they The hunters that were sent out return lacking in number.  The best and second best among them are now missing.    Vera has noticed the growing power of her daughter and realizes a harsh direct stance is not the way to go.  She starts acting kind and nice to others, showing an unusual side of her personality.  

The group soon encounters a rabbit and Vera unleashes her frustrations on it, promising to let it live if it gives information.  After getting what she wants, however, she severs its legs ("To keep for luck") and then casts continual light on its eyes to "light and guide it on its way."  Ilya is sharpening the sword, bitter for having been lied to.   Howls cry in the distance.  The group continues on their journey.

They soon find one of the companions bleeding, and Geoff realizes it may be a trap.  Mava admits she dislikes these things speaking with posh accents, but there's no denying that Frank is clearly injured gives his intense bleeding.  Glowing eyes stare back at them from the shadows.  Geoff decides to try bluffing his way out of the situation, telling the the Wolves of how they are more dangerous than they realize given they have defeated others whom the wolves avoid.  The Alpha wolf ignores the threat, not realizing the priest had bought time for the others to arrive.  Ilya rushes in and with the blade, she easily cleaves the Alpha of its limbs.  The other wolves begin to have second thoughts.  Geoff now reminds them they are the ones letting the wolves go for, "we do not fear Wolves."

The group returns and finds Vera cheerful, addressing Geoff by name to pray for her daughter.  She leaves with the wolf carcass, having plans on what to do with it.  She gathers the old book of her Grandmama and the ashes of her mother, but her hopes to talk with them lead to nothing.  Instead, Jack responds, emerging from the shadows and talks to her about trading gifts.  Vera hands Jack her own choker.  Jack gives her tea.  Ilya spies on them, listening in on how Jack tells Vera the Lion is the best being to approach for her daughter's safety.  She admits she needed the Unicorn horn to gain the Lion's trust.  

The group continues to the Orb Loc,  The group keeps watch of any stragglers that lag behind and might give the wolves an opening.  The group arrives at a field of roses, beautiful and fragrant.  But when Ilya tries to pluck one, they discover the roses are sentient and call themselves "Elves."  One even slaps Mava for calling it a name.  Ilya spins and the roses seemingly allow her through.  Geoff recommends to all to spin following her.  A violet rose talks about beauty and about humanoids being their fertilizer.  As the violence begins, Vera grab the tea given to her by Jack and displays it to the violet rose.  She claims to be an entourage of the "Lion" and the priest is even able to silence the violet with his prayers.  They buy the intimidation attempt as Vera claims humanoids actually drink them" so how can they be uglier than the flowers, when the very flowers are merely used to feed and refresh humanoids.  The flowers are thus intimidated and lets the group pass and continue on to the Orb loc.

When the group finally arrives, Vera realizes that she cannot see it.  Geoff and the others discuss planning a hunt but decide it might be best to be done in the morning.   During the night, Ilya and Mava find a well and inside a skull.  They bring it out of the water and discover it starts to regain marble on its surface.  When returned, the marble like skin dissolves once more.  

Vera visits Geoff, and confesses having uncertainties and raises her curiosity on his "magic".    The removal of the skull down below, however causes the Orb Loc protecting the place to break apart - an unexpected side-effect given the skull is actually the reason the Orb Loc exists.  With the Orb Loc suddenly becoming visible, Vera has a moment where she just might start to believe and have faith in greater powers.  Vidar takes the skull away from the kids, bothered by its strange craftsmanship.  But soon, the group learns that Jack is indeed a vampire, and attacks the residents of the Orb Loc.  The people there accuse the group of having brought such misfortune upon them.  In a bid to punish them, more so the elder, for such insolence, Vera casts Continual Light upon the man's very eyes to blind him.  Ilya and Mava take the skull and return it to the area below, seeing how the marble skin is eroded by the running water.  When Vera learns of the skull's role in the existence of Orb Locs, and of the story behind the entities whose skulls are used for the effect, Vera begins to concoct a plan to bring her daughter home safely.  The group finally decides to leave, but not before Mava and Vera arguing and the argument ending with false apologies.  Geoff takes the skull, forging a promise to deliver it, if not reunite it with its former owner.  A number of the children swear allegiance to him.  And Vera silently swears that Mava will be made to pay in time.

The group heads straight for the Carpathian Mountains.

Updates on A Single Moment and other stuff

So one week has passed for A Single Moment.
So far, we've had an admirable number of sales.  I am anxious to find out how people find the game. So far, I've only found a few responses online from people who have given me the kindest words.

Daniele Di Rubbo posted print outs of the Virtue, Key Cards and Characters on Google Plus. It was quite touching to see the image and I asked his permission to post it here as well.

He has even mentioned that there are plans to try running the game with his friend, Davide, at the upcoming IndieCon on the second week of May.  That is for certain going to at least get the game on more people's radar.

Progress slowly continues on Dreamscrapers, the Adventure Time-inspired game, as well as on the other projects I have on my desk.  Neko Yume's indie release is getting delayed as the artist is too busy with other projects.  I'm reworking also some of the other brand-inspired stuff to stand on their own as new game systems.     And there's the freelance work for.. a certain Pirate game. :-D It is truly a only-in-my-dreams situation that has come true and I am still trying to embrace the fact that this is happening.  And while there have been recent shifts in our circle of friends , there have also been the birth of new avenues that may lead to even more awesome things.

Life remains exciting and great!