Looking forward to a good year this 2023.
While generally 2022 was not that bad, there were still those moments that were just exhausting and trying - including a time when this blog, TAG Sessions, was shut down after certain "complaints" and "violations" were cited (and later overruled) - which nearly had me calling it quits on the entire thing. Thankfully, I continue to be surrounded by awesome friends, kind gamers, and critical individuals who handle events in a clearer and more rational manner.
Completed my 12 New Games personal challenge again! This year, was able to play/run new game systems as well as expand on having some of them as multi-session mini-campaigns to provide a better fulfilling story and experience. Summaries of such sessions are usually shared in the TAG Sessions Facebook Group (feel free to ask for membership, but please do be sure to answer ALL the questions properly) to be part of the fun. This year had two mini-campaigns (Pendragon and Night's Black Agents)
Among this year's 12 New include:
1) Praxis: Our Lost Way
2) Star Trek Adventures
3) Praxis: Lambs
4) The Hunted
5) Mashed
6) Hearts of Wulin
7) Horror on the Orient Express
8) Savage Worlds
9) Golden Sky Stories
10) Trail of Cthulhu
11) Reign of Terror
12) Avatar: Legends
13) Alas for the Awful Sea
14) Cairn
Very happy to have such a robust list of systems and books to have explored.
Targeting a good selection of possible games for this year, including stuff like INVISIBLE SUN which keeps touting itself as a very unique game system (I'm not convinced quite yet) and DIE RPG (which was an amazing comic, but I have no comments for now on the game system).
Sadly, though, this year, was definitely not as productive as I wished to be. With the blog being shut down for a while, lost tracking some of the stuff I released this year. But among them are:
The Lands of Voce Luminare - Book 01: War of the Widows Supplement

Buy it at DriveThruRPG: War of the Widows: Book 1: Lands of Voce Luminare
The Sleep Experiment - Lying City Mysteries - Book 01 for Tiny Cthulhu
Buy it at DriveThruRPG: The Man At the Foot of the Bed
Buy it at DriveThruRPG: The Sleep Experiment
The Beached Thing - Lying City Mysteries - Book 03 for Tiny Cthulhu
Drawing the Silver Key - Lying City Mysteries - Book 04 for Tiny Cthulhu

Buy it at DriveThruRPG: Drawing the Silver Key

Buy it at DriveThruRPG: Drawing the Silver Key
Faith Heal Her - Bow Your Heads - Book 01

Buy it at DriveThruRPG: Faith Heal Her - Bow Your Heads
50 Mortal Musings

Buy it at DriveThruRPG: 50 Mortal Musings
And sadly, that was it.
I did a lot of work on a few other books, including rewrites of the book formerly known as Once Upon a Time in Jianghu, book 4 of Sid's Real Life, unHuman (a Changeling the Dreaming supplement), Bulong (a Changeling the Dreaming novelette), Mythography (a Trinity campaign), Blazing Hearts Revolt, book 3 of the Reconquista Vampire novelette, Diliman the RPG, Dreamscrapers, and even a MODELS quickstart.
I have no idea if I will succeed in finishing any of them this 2023.
But at least, this year, the Pandemic seems to have giving us all some breathing room. We have gained some space to reconnect with friends and to find opportunities to step outside beyond our prison-sanctuary rooms.
Here's hoping it goes well.

Buy it at DriveThruRPG: Faith Heal Her - Bow Your Heads
50 Mortal Musings

Buy it at DriveThruRPG: 50 Mortal Musings
And sadly, that was it.
I did a lot of work on a few other books, including rewrites of the book formerly known as Once Upon a Time in Jianghu, book 4 of Sid's Real Life, unHuman (a Changeling the Dreaming supplement), Bulong (a Changeling the Dreaming novelette), Mythography (a Trinity campaign), Blazing Hearts Revolt, book 3 of the Reconquista Vampire novelette, Diliman the RPG, Dreamscrapers, and even a MODELS quickstart.
I have no idea if I will succeed in finishing any of them this 2023.
But at least, this year, the Pandemic seems to have giving us all some breathing room. We have gained some space to reconnect with friends and to find opportunities to step outside beyond our prison-sanctuary rooms.
Here's hoping it goes well.
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