Thursday, August 22, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 : Day 23 : Peerless Player


 RPGaDAY 2024 : Day 23 : Peerless Player

I believe I shall have to award this to the Great Old One, Adrian, who has wonderfully portrayed the fascinating personality of Engineer Benjamin Marsh, who remains shellshocked from his time at the war.  And now strangely carries a tome of occult knowledge within his very flesh.  His portrayal of a man tragically obsessed with protecting others is balanced with his gentle and kind soul desperate to nurture and embrace companionship.

Of equally awesome note would be my partner, Rocky, for his portrayal of the infamous Sir Gilmere the Younger, Regent of the Hedge, and possessor of the mantle of Merlin.  As Merlin's chosen, Gilmere struggled against his father's fear of magic and fought to find his own path in handling the Otherside.  But eventually, he succumbed into his fate as the Warlock and was forced to do Merlin's dirty work to ensure Arthur's continued reign.  Now he awaits at the Glass City at the End of Time for the final battle against evil.

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