Tuesday, August 6, 2024

RPGaDAY 2024 : Day 7 : RPG with GOOD FORM


RPGaDAY 2024 : Day 7 : RPG with GOOD FORM

I have no idea what this is meant to mean.  I can think of different interpretations of "good form" but given we only have this as the reference, I guess I'll just have to choose a game which I feel tried to accomplish multiple things and did them well.  King Arthur: Pendragon would get that vote for me.  This game first accomplishes its main objective, that being to allow people to experience the challenges, excitement, and drama of being a knight swayed by their traits and passions.  But then, the game includes knights to allow players to still explore the game even if they wanted something that was more in tune with the times.  The main book (5.2 edition) includes the necessary information for the GM to not just run the game, but also to build each knight's history. Then there's even information on generational stories, on solo adventures, and even seeds for long term plans for romantic knights and the like.  

That, for me, is a RPG that is done with good form.

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